SIC parish assembly
More than 200 parishioners from both the English and Mandarin-speaking communities representing BECs (Basic Ecclesial Communities), and parish ministries, attended this year’s Parish Assembly (PA) at St Ignatius Church (SIC), on November 15.
Nov 27, 2014

By Ken Cham
More than 200 parishioners from both the English and Mandarin-speaking communities representing BECs (Basic Ecclesial Communities), and parish ministries, attended this year’s Parish Assembly (PA) at St Ignatius Church (SIC), on November 15. His Grace Archbishop Julian Leow was present, together with SIC Assistant Parish Priest Fr Andrew Wong and Fr Clarence Dass (Director, Archdiocesan Pastoral Institute & Priest-in-Residence, Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus).
The event started with praise & worship, Bible enthronement and an opening prayer. Then SIC Parish Priest, Fr Lucas Ng, gave his welcoming address, during which he revealed the theme for SIC parish in 2015 — To be a Worshipping, Welcoming & Caring Community. Fr Clarence gave a presentation on the state of the BECs in the Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur and ways to increase attendance and participation in its activities. After the presentation, attendees formed groups to discuss issues and put forward possible solutions relating to BEC participation.
Alphonso Lourdesamy (Chairman, Parish Coordinating Council) presented a summary of the Parish Pastoral Plan of 2014. Erwin Ho (Chairman, Parish Pastoral Council) then presented the Parish Pastoral Plan for 2015 with a focus on the following areas in line with the parish theme:
• Worshipping Parish (Prayer & Sacramental Life)
• Welcoming & Caring Parish (Family, Youth & Community)
• Welcoming & Caring Parish (BECs)
The goals and rationale for each of the above focus areas were laid out and their desired outcomes stated.
The Parish Assembly agenda continued with the Parish Finance Report by Edward Sta Maria (Chairman, Parish Finance Committee). During the Question & Answer session, matters regarding the report were clarified and noted. Then Archbishop Leow made some remarks. He started off by putting forward some questions: What is your dream for your church, BEC and country? Do we know where we want to go (our destination)? Do we care for the other (e.g. the stranger in our midst or a newcomer to the church) as we strive to become a more caring community? His Grace Archbishop Julian also mentioned that not seeing or being aware of the lost, least, last or little amongst us does not mean they do not exist. In closing, he commended SIC for articulating a parish theme which emphasises worship, hospitality and care.
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