South African cardinal praises Couples for Christ

South African Cardinal Wilfrid Fox Napier of Durban praised a Philippine lay organization for its work, especially in providing shelter for the poor.

Jul 01, 2017

MANILA: South African Cardinal Wilfrid Fox Napier of Durban praised a Philippine lay organization for its work, especially in providing shelter for the poor.

The cardinal, who visited the Philippines last week lauded the Couples for Christ for responding "to the graces and vocations that God has given" to them.

The organization of married Catholics marked its 36th anniversary on June 23.

Cardinal Napier visited a village where the lay organization built houses for poor families who used to live in danger zones or in the streets of Manila.

The organization has so far built at least 2,200 houses in 42 communities as part of "community development efforts" that include values formation, community organizing, and "spiritual enrichment activities."

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