Spreading joy and compassion across faiths
The Parish Ministry of Ecumenism and Interreligious Affairs (PMEIA) of the Church of St Thomas More (STM) ended the year with an Inter Faith Tea Party on December 14.
Jan 03, 2025

SUBANG: The Parish Ministry of Ecumenism and Interreligious Affairs (PMEIA) of the Church of St Thomas More (STM) ended the year with an Inter Faith Tea Party on December 14.
Participants were from the Islamic, Hindu, Buddhist, Baha’i, Sikh and other Christian faith communities. This is the fourth year STM has hosted such a gathering which is looked forward to each year.
Archbishop Julian Leow and YB Michelle Ng, ADUN for Subang Jaya, stayed for tea and mingled with the guests. In a short briefing before tea Parish priest, Msgr Patrick Boudville, welcomed everyone and was pleased to see the increase in participation this year compared to previous years. This was a result of the growth in fraternity and relationships established over time.
PMEIA chairperson, Angeline Lesslar, PMEIA lreviewed the growth of this ministry over the past six years which led to the formation of an Inter Faith Council that meets regularly to plan activities. The council strives to make a difference in Subang Jaya through inclusiveness and the building of bridges among religions. Though religious beliefs and practices are different, through mutual respect, all can live in peace and harmony as children of God.
Guests were taken on a guided tour of the Church before tea. A Hawaiian theme was adopted this year complete with a steel guitar and hula dancers on ukeleles for entertainment.
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