Statue of Pope Francis being built in honor of visit

Pope Francis' historic visit to the city will be kept alive long after he is gone with a 13-foot bronze statue that is being built in his honor.

Feb 05, 2016

CIUDAD JUAREZ, MEXICO: Pope Francis' historic visit to the city will be kept alive long after he is gone with a 13-foot bronze statue that is being built in his honor.

A walking pontiff statue dressed in a traditional white cassock, holding a dove in his left hand, will be finished and built by April on one of the city's major avenues, officials said.

"The statue will be, not only a testimony that one of the most influential statesmen in the world was in the city, but a symbol of hope, of change for the better," said sculptor Pedro Francisco Rodriguez, who with a team of eight colleagues, has been assigned to the project.

Several Juarez businessmen working with the National Chamber of Commerce, or Canaco of Juarez, commissioned the statue as a way to commemorate the pope's visit.

"When we knew that Pope Francis was coming (to Juarez) late last year, we began looking for ways to make something, a lovely memory of him in the city," Alejandro Ramirez, president of Canaco, said during the presentation of the project last month.

He said the organization began looking for sculptors from Juarez in December. They settled on Rodriguez, who has been living and working in Miami the last three-and-a-half years.

Rodriguez, 66, has been a sculptor for four decades and his work has been displayed in México and the United States.

In Juarez, he has created several sculptures and monuments, including the Santa Teresa de Avila sculpture, Paloma de la Esperanza, El Policia Caido, the Monumento al Bombero and the Umbral del Milenio, a 100-foot high monument of steel.

Rodriguez said he was honored to be chosen for the assignment.

"I have done a lot of art pieces that I have been proud of, but this one will be the most important one because of its significance and transcendence," he said.

In early January, he began working on the design based on the pontiff's biography and dozens of photographs, most of which were printed to scale.

By Saturday, the sculptor had finished the face made out of modeling clay in a smelting workshop in the Melchor Ocampo neighborhood in central Juarez, where he and his colleagues have worked to make hundreds of bronze art pieces the last 20 years.

"I wanted to do a smiling pope because he projects happiness," Rodriguez said while detailing the right cheek of the statue's face.

He said he will use the most sophisticated bronze metalworking techniques to make the statue's face and hands have a skin-like color.

This week, Rodríiguez's colleague, Armando Gallegos, who is an expert in bronze melting and modeling techniques, will put the finishing touches on the head. He will employ the traditional lost-wax casting technique to make the cast where the bronze will be poured.

Gallegos, 49, said he is flattered to be a part of the project, which will demonstrate to the rest of the world that Juarez is a place where quality bronze art can be made.

"We are going to use the best techniques and put our best effort into it," he said.

He estimates it will take about two months to complete the statue, which will be cut into two pieces for transportation to its final final resting spot.

David Alvidrez, 49, will be in charge of welding and installing a 3-foot-high pedestal for the statue, which he considers the most significant project he has worked on.

Overall, more than a ton of bronze will be used to make the whole sculpture, which is valued at $30,000 and will be paid for by the business community, Rodriguez added.

Although the statue has no title, he thinks he will name it "The messenger of hope" once its unveiled.

Rodriguez said the statue will belong to the border community. And as a way to get the community to help with the project, citizens are being asked to donate bronze keys and other bronze artifacts for the project. The bronze is being collected at 10 shopping centers, including Río Grande Mall, Las Misiones, Plaza Juarez Mall, Galerías Tec and Plaza de las Américas.

"This piece is being made for the community, to feel proud and to remember the day when the pope came to our city," Rodriguez said.--Elpasotimes

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