Strengthening the roles of the organising team for YLC 5

The Youth Leaders’ Camp (YLC) organising team attended a Communication session with Sr Maria Dipal, rgs. It was a follow-up from the previous session on January 17.

Feb 25, 2017

SANDAKAN: The Youth Leaders’ Camp (YLC) organising team attended a Communication session with Sr Maria Dipal, rgs. It was a follow-up from the previous session on January 17.

The session began with an opening prayer, after which Sr Maria asked the teams to share their experiences based on their last session, with the newcomers. The teams worked together so that the message was correctly given.

In an organisation, there are various sections, based on their functions and roles and the same goes for the YLC 5 organising team. It is important for a team to know their roles and duties so that, if any member is uncertain about the session, everyone can help each other, said Sr Maria.

Sr Maria also touched on Spiritual Leadership, where Jesus was the role model and leader.

As a leader, we should be aware of our commitment towards our duties. A leader who comes to serve, and not to be served, is a characteristic of a Servant leader. To serve is to be understanding of other peoples’ situations.

Sr Maria explained the five ways of communication which are “placating, blaming, super-reasonable, irrelevant and congruent.”

1. Placating means to calm someone without thinking about yourself.
2. Blaming means putting the blame on someone else.
3. Super-reasonable means looking at the whole situation without thinking about ourselves and other people’s feelings.
4. Irrelevant means not bothering about the feelings of others and what is happening around us.
5. Congruent means being in agreement with everyone.

Sr Maria asked the participants to identify which method of communication represents their way. She concluded the session with seven guidelines on how to communicate with others:

1. Listen attentively and respond with an open heart and mind.
2. Start the conversation/discussion by explaining your objectives.
3. Express yourself clearly.
4. Change criticism/complaints into a request and give an explanation.
5. Have more open-ended questions.
6. Express gratitude and appreciation.
7. Make communication a part of our daily life.

The session helped to strengthen the participants to become future youth leaders.-- newsupdatedospo

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