Synod: Snippets from Anna Amandus
Synod: Snippets from Anna Amandus
Oct 18, 2024

October 4
The fruits of the spiritual conversation on the "foundation" section of the Instrumentum Laboris, were shared at the General Assembly. Not only did we listen to each other in our small groups yesterday, but we also had the opportunity to hear reports from other language groups.
After the reports were presented, members of the synod had the opportunity to share their reflections and opinions on the key themes that emerged from the summary reports in the free intervention session. This provided a chance for a more in-depth exploration and understanding of the content in the initial section.
Today also marks the feast of St Francis of Assisi, so we took the opportunity to wish Pope Francis a happy feast day. We hope that Pope Francis continues to be guided and inspired by the works of St Francis of Assisi especially as the shepherd of the Church.
October 5
Today, we conclude the week by formulating the reports on the “Foundation” section of the Instrumentum Laboris, based on the insights shared during yesterday’s free interventions session. The final and refined report will be submitted to the General Secretariat.
The process that we went through this week was slightly different from last year. However, prayer and moments of silence continue to play an important role, as we acknowledge our reliance on the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
As I look ahead to the coming weeks of the Synod, I am reminded to “Take Off My Shoe” and fully surrender to the works of the Holy Spirit.
Rest, I must. And be prepared for the next section of the Instrumentum Laboris on Relations, which will begin on Monday, October 8.
October 6
Tonight’s dinner was special. Eight others and I visited our last year's accommodation, Casa per ferie Felice Prinetti via di Bravetta, Rome. It is managed with love and dedication by the Congregation of the Daughters of St Joseph of Genoni, founded by Fr Felice Prinetti.
Upon our arrival, we immediately felt a sense of warmth and love, as if we had returned home. The sisters greeted us with their beautiful smiles and warm hugs.
Our month-long stay at Casa per ferie Felice Prinetti was filled with countless wonderful memories. The dining area became our sanctuary, a space where we could truly be ourselves. We shared laughter, stories, and, of course, discussions related to the synod. It also served as a place to unwind after long hours of sitting and listening.
We miss this place we call home.
October 7
The Synod members joined the Rosary Prayer for peace with Papa Fransiskus at the Basilica of St Mary Major. Let us continue to pray for peace and love for the world and for our hearts.
Last year, I visited this Basilica to pray to Mama Mary. I prayed for my husband and me to be blessed with a child and have the opportunity to become parents. A year has passed, and I’m here again, feeling a bit emotional. However, I continue to pray through the intercession of Mama Mary, especially for those married couples, like my husband and me, who are trying to conceive. I hope that the good Lord will grant our prayers in His time.
To all married couples out there who are trying to conceive, continue to pray and do not give up on hope.
October 8
“Walk, Don’t Run. That’s it.”
We started the process in my new group with an invitation to reflect on the poem by Rob Bell shared by our facilitator. The poem reminds us not to rush things out and to take time to listen to God’s voice in our hearts.
The section on Relations emphasises the importance of relationships at all levels, and the fundamental one is the relationship with God.
In the first phase of spiritual conversations, we need to reflect on what is valuable and worthy of acceptance to be included in the final document and identify points that need further discussion and correction. In the afternoon, we completed the second round of our spiritual conversation.
It was a fruitful sharing experience. Everyone in the group shared their reflections and how they felt or were challenged after listening to each other.
Tomorrow will be a long day as we will listen to reports from each language group, as well as personal reflections during the free intervention session.
May the Holy Spirit continue to work in us as we prepare for tomorrow.
October 9
We started the day by congratulating the Synod members who were announced as Cardinals by the Pope. We also watched a powerful video message from the parish in Gaza. It was a heartfelt video, and we continue to pray for Gaza and all parts of the world that are at war. May peace prevail!
Before discussing the reports on Relations by the language groups, the synod members voted for one member from each continent to be part of the drafting team. Fr Dr Clarence Devadass was voted for by the Asian members.
Today was a challenging day as we listened to reports and interventions on key themes from the language reports. Some of the key themes discussed were Christian initiation for a synodal church, exchange of gifts, and Ecclesial discernment.
Rest, rest, rest for a more energising day tomorrow.
October 10
On the third day of the second week of the synod, we continued to discuss the key themes that emerged from the language group on Relations. After listening to several interventions, a five-minute time was given for the group to share what touched or challenged them in related to the key themes. It was tiring, but the process had to continue, and everyone was giving their best until the end.
During the afternoon, we had the chance to participate in the Maronite rite Mass presided over by Bishop Paul Rouhana at St Peter’s Basilica. Last year, we experienced the Byzantine Rite. I am so grateful for the opportunity to witness and experience the Eastern Catholic church rites. It truly captured the essence of the exchange of gifts, as mentioned in the Instrumentum Laboris under Relations.
And thanks to the General Secretariat of the Synod, we all had the chance to participate in the theology-pastoral forum on two topics: The People of God: The Subject of The Mission and The Role and Authority of the Bishop in a Synodal Church.
I chose The People of God: Subject of the Mission and had the opportunity to attend the forum at the Jesuit Curia. The forum was informative and enriching. It deepened my understanding of the people of God, and I hope it will help me contribute more as I continue in this process until the end.
I am looking forward to exploring more amazing experiences in the days to come.
Carpe Diem!
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