Talk on the Sedition Act in SFA

The parishioners of St Francis of Assisi (SFA) attended a talk on the Sedition Act by the National Junior Bar Council on Dec 14.

Dec 26, 2014

CHERAS: The parishioners of St Francis of Assisi (SFA) attended a talk on the Sedition Act by the National Junior Bar Council on Dec 14.

The talk began with the listing of the rights of Malaysians enshrined in the Malaysian Constitution. Ignorance of one’s basic rights can lead to them being eroded. The Sedition Act was introduced in Malaysia to combat communism by the British. The Act gives wide powers to the government to prosecute and to use fear to intimidate anyone who criticizes government policies. Anything negative, through whatever media, gives the police the excuse to start an investigation.

The lawyers took us through the types of defences we can use against the Sedition Act. They are very limited and it is very easy for the courts to decide in favour of the plaintiff.

It is because of this that the young lawyers had organised a walk to hapuskan The Act. With this talk organised by the parish IHD and the many roadshows planned, they hope to raise the number of supporters to help in their campaign.

What was poignant to the 54 parishioners who attended the talk was their parting shot: You have to decide the future of the country, to have a system of check and balance or to accept a draconian system? Today, we have to decide whether we want to take the easy road or to follow the herculean path to ensure what is right. -- By Benildus Tan

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