The fourth YouthPrepLink programme
Sunday, May 11, was the last day of the YouthPrepLink Batch 4 programme. It began with “Body Prayer” as the morning prayer.
Jun 05, 2014
BUKIT GARAM (Herald Malaysia): Sunday, May 11, was the last day of the YouthPrepLink Batch 4 programme. It began with “Body Prayer” as the morning prayer. Fr Sunny Chung celebrated Holy Mass for the fourth Sunday of Easter and in his homily he reminded the participants and the congregation to remain strong in their faith and not it be shaken in the face of adversity.
In conjunction with Mother’s Day, he narrated a story of a very proud child who was ashamed of his blind mother. It was only after she passed away that he found out that she had donated her eyes to him when he was born blind so that he could see. He reminded all the youth to honour and love their mothers as they are the ones who will shelter and love their children unconditionally.
After Mass, Fr Sunny distributed certificates to all the participants and facilitators.
Later in the day, Miss Anna shared and reflected with the youths on what they had learned during their week at Bukit Garam. This was followed by a session called Who Am I? which focused on personal sharings in small and large groups. The programme ended with a thanksgiving prayer.
Once again, we would like to take this opportunity to express our thanks to those ‘good Samaritans’ who donated food and financial help to make this programme a success. Thank you and may God bless you.
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