The gift of friendship

A true friend is hard to find. That’s why when you come across one, you should hold onto them and cherish the joy that friendship brings.

Apr 02, 2014

A true friend is hard to find. That’s why when you come across one, you should hold onto them and cherish the joy that friendship brings. To help you make these friendships last a lifetime, here are a few essential things that a good friend gives so you’ll always remember the amazing gifts they offer.

Comfort in time of need
A shoulder to cry on. An ear to listen. A sympathetic voice when things are hard. You don’t always need solutions to your problems; sometimes you just need comfort. A true friend is your number one source when things go wrong.

Celebrate our triumphs
 Excitement creates a desire to share the moment. Having a great friend to celebrate your triumphs is like having your own biggest fan, someone on your team, to celebrate with you when you have something wonderful to shout from the rooftops.

Laughing with you
Some of your best memories are probably laughing with a close friend. It makes you feel good physically and mentally. It’s even better when you have someone to share that moment with.

Forgiving and loving you
You can be hard on yourself when you make a mistake or do wrong, even if that means hurting someone else. A wonderful friend’s greatest asset though is to love you and forgive you in spite of your wrongs. No one is perfect. Your true friends will accept that, just as you accept it about them.It’s a fine balance–walking between compassion and criticism. You don’t want to call out your friend and tell her you disagree with her choices; nor do you want to pretend that the pitfalls don’t exist. Having a close friend who knows how to lovingly speak the truth to you is such a valuable gift.-- by Alex Blackwell (

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