The Workshops...
There were 40 groups with 13-14 delegates per group. Most discussions were in English but Bahasa Malaysia, Mandarin and Tamil were also used.
Oct 20, 2016
There were 40 groups with 13-14 delegates per group. Most discussions were in English but Bahasa Malaysia, Mandarin and Tamil were also used.
In the first workshop, the delegates were first asked: “What have been the significant contributions of the Church in Peninsular Malaysia, and to the society at large in the past 40 years?” Below is their response to the question.
The Church especially through the Integral Human Development Ministry has promoted human development, social justice and awareness of political issues, advocating for social justice, reaching out to the poor and the marginalized.
It has also contributed towards formal and informal education.
The establishment of the BECs have grown to reach out to wider communities.
The Church has reached out and dialogued with other Christians and people of other faiths (eg: Walk of Faith, MCCBHST (Majlis)
The laity, including the youth, have been empowered to play their role in church and society.
Engagement of Catholics in Social Action, contributed towards the development of NGOs in country Good quality social services (i.e Mission schools, hospitals, service to the poor etc)
The second question was: “In the light of the keynote address of the Bishops, the Diocesan Synod/Assembly report and the current social realities, how can the Church in Peninsular Malaysia become Creative, Inclusive and Bridge-Building?” (Different groups focused on a particular area.) Below is the summary of their deliberations.
-- In the area of Social Media
--Maximise resources so that People (talents, skills) Technology Church assets (property, infrastructure, land) be better utilised
-- In renewing BECs
-- In revitalisingYouths
-- Means non-dominating, sensitive, prudent, accepting, welcoming and loving Church to the 4 Ls (lost, least, little and last) including the environment.
--We can achieve this by Being (inner conversion) and Doing: reaching out across cultural, language and geographical boundaries (especially between East and West Malaysia)
-- Empowering the laity, especially the youth through structured formation
--Interreligous dialogue
-- Clergy listening to the laity and respecting their opinions
Bridge Building
-- Have one language (Bahasa Malaysia)
-- Direct Engagement with the marginalised
-- Lead by example (at all levels)
-- Renew family life
-- Nurture solid community with love (a real community that forms the basic blocks for BEC)
-- Authentic strengthening of our faith, rooted in reality
-- Create a meaningful space for our youths as equal partners in the Church
-- Interreligious and ecumenical dialogue through enhanced activities, formation and leadership, as well as engaging policy makers on difficult subject matters
In the second workshop, the delegates were asked: As we experience the PMPC IV as a Pentecost in the Church in Peninsular Malaysia, what does the living out of this spirit-filled experience demand of us (clergy, religious, laity and together) in transforming the Church in the coming years? Below are the findings:
-- Listening with compassion to all, especially the 4Ls; to have more dialogue, mutual respect, co-operation and collaboration
-- Accompany and recognise the talents and skills and empower the laity
-- Allowing the Word of God to touch and transform the clergy in order to be effective ministers of the Word; being holy and prophetic witnesses.
-- Deepening our (clergy) spirituality and contemplative prayerfulness towards on-going personal conversion.
-- Ministry of presence to the people in the parish, families, BECs and various ministries
-- On going formation — life skills, conflict resolution, spiritual direction, counselling, leadership skills
Vision & Mission in line with Church direction
Integral evangelisation
Out of comfort zone
Be inclusive towards:
Rediscover, Renew, Reinterpret, Redefine, Revisit their respective Religious Charisms
On-going formation
Be visible signs
Bridge between clergy and laity
Collaborate in implementing parish projects
Supportive and welcoming (Ad intra/ ad extra)
Empower laity
-- To live out our faith in action through outreach to the poor and marginalised
-- To be evangelisers i.e., to be Church in the marketplace
--To have creative catechesis and ongoing formation for children, youth, leaders and others To have a greater involvement in ministries and Church activities
-- To deepen our faith by interiorising the Word of God and improving our prayer life
-- Empowerment of laity which will result in building good leaders, improved interpersonal relationships, and a growing culture of ownership, responsibility and accountability
The People of God: The Clergy, Religious and Laity together to transform the Church in the coming years
To promote unity among clergy, religious and laity through collaboration, empowerment and fellowship
-- To encourage Interreligious dialogue
Information - formation - transformation -
-- Information must be updated in different languages -
--Creative and systematic formation especially for Catechists
-- Transformation - integration of faith and life
-- Deepening relationship with Jesus Christ through prayer, silence, listening to the Holy Spirit and discerning together.
Pastoral Approach
-- To be sensitive, gentle, merciful especially to those who are vulnerable
--By living the Word, providing social services and becoming a missionary disciple
-- By bearing witness as a family
--By using social media as a means to evangelise
Openness to Others
-- By being inclusive, hospitable, ready to listen, accepting diversity, being supportive, being humble
Review & Monitoring
-- To have a PMPC IV mid-term deliberation and Implementation of the Vision and Mission -- To have accountability, co- responsiblity and transparency
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