The Year Of The Goat

Whether goat or sheep, the special characteristics are that it looks restful and contented; its special tasks are to go out to eat, later to lie down, chew and munch for digestion and assimilation into its bodily system.

Feb 13, 2015

The word pronounced ‘yang’ means goat or sheep. There are goats of many varieties in different regions in China.

The mountain sheep looks like the mountain goat.

A. Characteristics of the goat or sheep
Whether goat or sheep, the special characteristics are that it looks restful and contented; its special tasks are to go out to eat, later to lie down, chew and munch for digestion and assimilation into its bodily system. Yes, it is a picture of an animal that enjoys eating and munching most of the time, and resting in whole hearted contentment. Moreover, the domesticated ones are protected by their masters, most of the time. Eat, drink and sleep (rest)! That seems to be the main work of a goat or sheep. It is mild in comparison to many wild animals like the leopard or the lion.

It is a picture of contentment and sweet retirement — an easy and good natured life envied by many. Hence the goat or sheep is a symbol of a retired and contented life.

B. What can we learn from the goat (or sheep) in this new year of the goat (sheep)? 1. We can learn to rest and be satisfied with what we have and not inordinately go beyond one’s limitation, chasing after a dream that will never come true.

2. We can learn to be meek, mild and humble like the sheep and not cause pain and suffering to others in the pursuit of our own happiness.

3. True, we need to work hard but we must also learn how to rest and sleep to regain our physical, mental and spiritual strength (vigour).

4. The rest period can be short or long, depending on our needs. It is really essential.

5. The spiritual is affected by the physical and mental attitudes of the person. Hence, rest is essential to the human body. It is right and proper to have a good rest. Let us turn to the spiritual consideration which is all important.

C. In the Bible:

I. In the Old Testament
1. We heard of the goat being sent into the wilderness with the sins of the people laden on it, to be symbolically taken away into the wilderness. Hence, the word scapegoat. The goat is used as a scapegoat by human beings, to have their sins taken away — forgiven by God

2. The goat is use as a sacrifice to God or to the gods.

3. The Book of Isaiah: (Is. 53,7) speaks of the sheep that is laid before its shearers, not making any untoward resistance. It just submits itself to its master, offering its wool to its owner.

We see Jesus Christ, the willing scapegoat for our sins, the goat (lamb) that is offered to His Heavenly Father as a living sacrifice for the sins of mankind, the sheep that is led before its shearers, who gave up His life for us all on the cross. What beautiful comparisons we have here! Indeed, it is very good food for thought! II.

New Testament : Let us take a look at the New Testament.
1. Yes, Jesus paid the ransom for our sins by becoming our willing scapegoat.

2. He is the sheep that is laid before its shearers, not uttering a word.

3. He became the sacrificial goat (lamb) by dying on the cross for our sins.

4. By His death and resurrection, He has not only forgiven us our sins but he has given us eternal life.

5. It is only right that we unceasingly thirst for Him and that our hearts can never rest until they rest in Him.

6. To remain faithful to Him is the hallmark of our fidelity to His command of love.

7. This leads us to think of Peter who thrice denied Jesus. Jesus asked Peter three times to undo his denial: “Simon Peter, Do you love me?” Three times Peter repeated that he loved Jesus and exclaimed that Jesus knew that he loved Him. Twice, Jesus said: “Feed my lambs” The third time, Jesus said:

“Feed my sheep.” Yes, like Peter, let us in this New Year of the Goat undo the wrong against God and our neighbour, and declare our love for Jesus by feeding others, by bearing witness to Jesus’ humble, loving and generous service to others in all that we say, think and do.

D. Conclusion
Let us remain faithful to Christ. Let us forgive others as Jesus forgives us. Let us be truly humble and meek of heart. Let us love and serve others by sacrificing our life, time and energy for them, helping every one to find our true eternal rest and retirement in God’s Kingdom in Heaven, where one and all will be truly Happy in resting in the Lord, Who will bless us with the eternal joy and peace that we all seek.

Wishing you all a very Happy Chinese New Year filled with God's choicest blessings. -- By Fr Stephen Chin, Church of the Sacred Heart, KuchingThe

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