Vatican: Pope to preside over June consistory for canonisations

Pope Francis will preside over a consistory to approve the canonisation of four men and one woman, including Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity, a Frenc

Jun 14, 2016

ROME: Pope Francis will preside over a consistory to approve the canonisation of four men and one woman, including Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity, a French Discalced Carmelite mystic and writer, the Vatican announced.

The consistory on June 20 also is scheduled to approve the canonisations of Blesseds: Manuel Gonzalez Garcia, a Spanish bishop known for his devotion to eucharistic adoration; Guillaume-Nicolas-Louis Leclerq, a Christian Brother martyred during the September Massacres in Paris after refusing to swear allegiance to the new government following the French revolution; Lodovico Pavoni, the Italian founder of the Sons of Mary Immaculate, now commonly known as the Pavonians; and Alfonso Maria Fusco, an Italian priest who founded the Congregation of the Baptistine Sisters of the Nazarene, the Vatican said June 13.

The meeting of cardinals and promoters of the sainthood causes, also known as an “ordinary public consistory,” formally ends the process of approving a new saint.

Pope Francis earlier approved miracles attributed to the intercession of the sainthood candidates.--Catholic Herald

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