Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?
God created the human, each with a purpose. With love He formed us that we may grow to know, love and serve Him.
May 22, 2015

TAWAU (Herald Malaysia): God created the human, each with a purpose. With love He formed us that we may grow to know, love and serve Him. Many of us are overwhelmed, living in a world filled with competition in education, pleasure and amassing wealth, so much so that we become ignorant of the one beautiful plan that God wants for us.
Holy Trinity Church held a very significant event in conjunction with Vocation Sunday on April 26. The programme was jointly organized by the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception, seminarians and the Tawau Parish Youth Apostolate. The programme began at 11.00 am with an Opening Prayer led by seminarian Walter Milter, followed by an action song staged by the Parish Youth Apostolate.
Some 70 parishioners, comprising of youth and parents, attended the Vocation Sunday Gathering at the Holy Trinity Parish Catechetical hall.
The objective of the event was to raise awareness among parishioners about vocations, and also to help young people to have a better understanding on vocations.
The first session began with an explanation on the meaning of the general term ‘vocation’ by Seminarian Walter Milter. He stressed that although everyone has a different vocation, all vocations actually have the same goal which is centred on the love of Jesus Christ. He shared, “All of us are called in different ways, be it family, single or religious life. Indeed, all vocations are wonderful for they are centered on the love of Christ. We are called to lead a life of holiness and righteousness.” Later, seminarian Walter explained about the call to the priesthood.
This was followed by a guest speaker from Holy Trinity Family Life Ministry, Petrus Bernardus, who shared about family life. He spoke of the reality of today’s families, and also the challenges encountered. He said, “We, parents are directly involved in guiding our children to discern and to make wise decisions, especially when it comes to the spiritual call. Our prayers are needed so that our children will be enlightened in their vocations.”
Sr Martha and Sr Anita from the Congregation of FSIC had their own way to open the hearts of the parishioners to the call of religious life. Both shared on the wonders of being a religious sister in serving the Lord, the Church and other communities.
Beside the talks, there were exhibitions, various slide and video shows to give the audience a real picture of family life, priestly and religious life. Parishioners participated actively in the question and answer session. There were also sharings and action songs during the event. After the group photo, the session concluded with a closing prayer led by Sr Liza, FSIC. Lunch was served and the event came to a close at 2.00p.m.
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