World Day of Prayer against Slavery

On Sunday, 8th February 2015, as they celebrated the feast of St Josefina Bakhita, the Sabah Good Shepherd Welfare Centre also organized a World Day of Prayer against modern slavery at St Mary’s Youth Hostel.

Feb 27, 2015

By Cristhellah Raimin
On Sunday, 8th February 2015, as they celebrated the feast of St Josefina Bakhita, the Sabah Good Shepherd Welfare Centre also organized a World Day of Prayer against modern slavery at St Mary’s Youth Hostel. A total of 27 participants, including the boarders, visitors and staff attended the event.

The 3-hour session covered many activities and included a video clip on the life of St Josefina Bakhita. Josefina was born in Sudan in 1869 and kidnapped by Arab slave traders at around the age of nine. She was sold to an Italian diplomat in 1883 and brought to Italy where, through the help of the Canossian Sisters of Charity, was given her freedom. St Bakhita came to know the Lord and served Him until she died on 8th February, 1947 and was canonized a saint on October 2000. After the video ended, the participants shared their own personal stories.

The boarders of St Mary’s Youth hostel sang for the visitors and staff of the Sabah Good Shepherd Welfare Centre as a token of thanks. The session closed with a prayer to St Josefina, for freedom and dignity for all mankind to be upheld, led by Sr Maria from the Good Shepherd Welfare Centre.

The session, though short, was meaningful for everyone who was present, especially the youth. They were invited to make a stand against modern slavery, to recognize and pray that all forms of modern slavery in the world today be stopped for the sake of peace, justice and freedom for all peoples. As the Lord said in Matthew 25:40: “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.”

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