World Youth Day at the Diocese of Sandakan

Catholic youths throughout the world gathered in their parishes to celebrate the 29th World Youth Day in conjunction with Palm Sunday this year.

May 08, 2014

SANDAKAN (Herald Malaysia): Catholic youths throughout the world gathered in their parishes to celebrate the 29th World Youth Day in conjunction with Palm Sunday this year. World Youth Day was proposed by Pope John Paul II to the youth throughout the world in conjunction with the International Youth Day in 1984 during the closing theme Holy Year of Redemption in St Peter’s Square, Rome. World Youth Day was officially announced on 20th December 1985 and the first World Youth Day was held in Rome in 1986.

This year the youth throughout the Diocese of Sandakan came together for World Youth Day 2014 with the theme Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs in the Kingdom of God (Matthew 5:3) that was announced by Pope Francis on the 7th November 2013.

In his message, the Holy Father urged the youth to listen to God’s call and live according to the Gospel rejecting the consumerism lifestyle. He asked them to practice the Beatitudes, and to learn from the poor about the meaning of humility and trusting in God.

Fr Simon Kontou, Parish priest of St Dominic Lahad Datu, in his homily reminded the people that Jesus gave his life to save the world from sin. When we sin, he said, we crucify Jesus Christ all over again. The palms that we bring back to our homes are to remind us of our willingness to walk with Jesus in his agony. The biggest mistake made by Judas Iscariot is not giving Jesus up, but doubting the love of Christ.

Fr Simon also asked the youth, “Why is World Youth Day celebrated during Holy Week?” This is because many youth chose the wrong road and many more have yet to receive Jesus or they are not ready to walk with Jesus. Fr Simon invited the youth to walk the right path with Jesus and to have Him in their lives.

The closing ceremonies of World Youth Day was held simultaneously on the 13th April 2014 at the Diocese of Sandakan, Parish of St Mary’s Sandakan, Parish of St Dominic, Lahad Datu, Holy Trinity Parish, Tawau and the Parish of St Martin, Telupid. Prior to the year 1966, Catholic youths in Sabah celebrated World Youth Day with a choir competition, lectures, dramas and quizzes each year. This time, however, the celebration focused on the preparation and implementations of the Sabah Youth Day Cross walk across the villages. It began in 2004 in Keningau, Ranau in 2008, Tambunan in 2012 and in Tawau, the Diocese of Sandakan in 2016.

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