YouthPrepLink (YPL) Reunion

YouthPrepLink (YPL) is a programme that was initiated by the Good Shepherd Centre in 2005. Today it is run entirely by the Youth Apostolate of the Diocese of Sandakan.

Dec 24, 2014

SANDAKAN (Herald Malaysia): YouthPrepLink (YPL) is a programme that was initiated by the Good Shepherd Centre in 2005. Today it is run entirely by the Youth Apostolate of the Diocese of Sandakan. The purpose of YPL is to equip them to face life’s realities, both culturally and socially, that they would experience when they are ready to migrate into the city, either for further studies or to look for a job.

30 students who had graduated from Batches 1 to 4 attended the Reunion 5-7 September 2014 at Fr Mulders Building Sandakan. The purpose of the Reunion was to strengthen the ties of friendship in the love of Christ. Other than that, it was also to recall and assess any issues they would have encountered after the last YPL, as well as to renew and strengthen their faith and relationship with Jesus.

Miss Evelyn Doikin and Elysa Sundang, representatives from YouthPrepCentre Kota Kinabalu were in attendance throughout the programme. The programme began with the objectives of the REUNION by Fiona Degulaccion, Programme Coordinator from Batch 4. This was followed with prayers of thanksgiving. Later in the evening, a sharing session was to get to know the feelings and hopes of the participants about the REUNION.

The second day’s session focused on sharing on self-development by each individual and to strengthen bonds between the graduates of Batches 1 to 4. These sharings led them to personal maturity, revealed their weakness and made them more determined to walk the right path.

During the evening session, the participants were asked to do a presentation based on the theme of each group, namely Love, Faith, Truth and Hope. In spite of the short time given to the groups, the presentations were interesting and meaningful. Group creativity and teamwork made the presentations a success and these attitudes should be incorporated and welcomed in any ministry in the church.

The evening session ended with hopes of reconciliation amongst all the participants that they would find peace with each other. The pre-requisite for establishing peace with each other, is to first find peace within oneself.

On the last day, 7th December, all the participants attended Holy Mass, with the theme for the 2nd Sunday of Advent Prepare the way of the Lord, straighten out His path. We must take this opportunity during the season of Advent to better ourselves in terms of change, renewal and recommitment.

The final REUNION session was a sharing on what the participants had achieved throughout the programme. In conclusion, the participants were encouraged to continue to serve in the church more seriously. Jesus is with us, so that we can share with one another the Good News. May we, as followers of Jesus Christ, be the salt and light to others around us all the time. Praise the Lord!

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