Youths feel enthusiasm, moved to service
After several bake sales, a plant sale, a car wash, and donations from their parish, youth from St Paul in Silverton had raised enough money to send 15 youths and five adults to the Steubenville NW Conference.
Sep 24, 2015

SILVERTON, United States: After several bake sales, a plant sale, a car wash, and donations from their parish, youth from St Paul in Silverton had raised enough money to send 15 youths and five adults to the Steubenville NW Conference. The group gathered bright and early to embark on their journey to Gonzaga University in Spokane, Washington, where they joined almost 1,400 Catholics from around the Northwest and Canada.
Through keynotes — presented by Sean Forrest, David Calavitta, Fr Joseph Freedy, and Sarah Swafford — and worship led by Jackie Francois, the group learned of God’s limitless love and were challenged to bring the excitement to their parishes and let the love of God continue to grow — even when they weren’t surrounded by hundreds of people who shared their faith.
As the teens received the sacraments of reconciliation and the Eucharist, and participated in adoration, they were able to encounter God’s mercy and experience limitless love. Through prayer during adoration, the teens were able to hear God speak to them more concretely about his love and console them in their brokenness. Some felt a tug on their hearts to discern a vocation to the priesthood or religious life.
The group came to know God on a deeper level, but what was really inspiring was to see how the conference changed the way they interacted with one another. One speaker in particular challenged the teens to reach out to those who feel they are not part of the “in crowd.” The group took this to heart and from that moment on, there was no division. Everyone was included when they went out to play ultimate Frisbee during free time. The youths were affirming each other in all things and celebrating the unique gifts each person has.
When the conference came to an end on Aug 2, three groups, totalling 70 people, stayed for a two-day service immersion called “Increase.” From the Archdiocese of Portland, the group included St Paul, St John the Apostle and St Joseph the Worker, along with St Monica from Mercer Island in Washington. This was an incredible way to take the energy and enthusiasm for their faith and put it straight into action. Groups did painting and yard work for residents in the Spokane area, including the Poor Clare Monastery. Teens endured hot temperatures with smiles and contagious enthusiasm. For some teens, the service was the best part of the entire trip. One of the projects St Paul’s helped with was painting the house of an elderly woman. When they finished, she came outside and was overjoyed with gratitude. She gave them a card which read, “Thank you. No one has ever done anything for me before.”
Upon finishing their projects, all the groups gathered together for pizza with the Poor Clare Sisters. After lunch, they shared how they were changed upon leaving the Steubenville experience. Both adults and youth shared how they were challenged, inspired, motivated, encouraged and given a new hope. This truly was a life changing experience. -- Catholic Sentinel
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