What Thomas Merton would say about war with North Korea
Aug 18, 2017
Robert Jeffress, an evangelical pastor and close adviser to Donald J. Trump, said that the president has biblical permission and moral authority to “take out” North Korean supreme leader Kim Jong Un. Citing Romans 13, Rev. Jeffress said that God grants governments the authority to punish evildoers with whatever means necessary.
Earth Overshoot Day receives scant media coverage
Aug 18, 2017
Amidst the deluge of news flooding our media, one critical item received scant coverage in the media: this year, Earth Overshoot Day inched forward to August 2.
Does Christianity have a Wonder Woman?
Aug 18, 2017
A model of womanhood that could inspire and sustain my faith journey as a young woman.
Our utmost in dealing with our faith
Aug 18, 2017
The complexity of adulthood inevitably puts to death the naiveté of childhood. And this is true too of our faith. Not that faith is a naivete.
Bread and circuses: Gladiatorial contests and today’s sporting spectacles
Aug 12, 2017
As the new English Premier League season begins this week and football fans are driven to a frenzy in the coming months, it may be worth reflecting on this global phenomenon.
Angels and the city
Aug 05, 2017
Several years ago Hollywood made a movie, City of Angels, about an angel named Seth whose job it was to accompany the spirits of the recently deceased to the afterlife. On one such mission, waiting in a hospital, he fell in love with a brilliant young woman surgeon.
The day Jesus raged against the system
Aug 05, 2017
Political leaders, some of whom may have lost the support of the people, think they can enhance their stature or improve their chances at the polls by pandering to the insecurities, anxieties or prejudices of the majority communities.
Five things we must do to tackle climate change
Jul 28, 2017
Imagine an asteroid about to hit the Earth in a few months. Think of the widespread anxiety and concern, even panic. Our newspapers would be reporting the news in the front page every day, charting the progress and the route of an asteroid on a daily basis.
The gospel challenge to enjoy our lives
Jul 27, 2017
Joy is an infallible indication of God’s presence, just as the cross is an infallible indication of Christian discipleship. What a paradox! And Jesus to blame.
Sower, seeds, soil and saints
Jul 22, 2017
Last week, we looked at how Jesus’ call for us to be “salt for the earth” could be seen as an exhortation for us to nourish the soil from which his kingdom will emerge.

Sunday Reflection
Trusting in God: The key to true prosperity
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Philip Tay, OCD