In surprise video appearance, Francis calls for revolution of tenderness
May 05, 2017
One of the surprises in recent days was the appearance of the Bishop of Rome on TedTalk, a video recording that was broadcast on April 25 to the annual TED conference.
Becoming a holy beggar
May 05, 2017
With the exception of scripture and a few Christian mystics, Christian spirituality, up to now, has been weak in presenting us with a vision for our retirement years. It’s not a mystery as to why. Until recently, the majority of people died shortly after retirement and so there was no need for a highly developed spirituality of generativity after our active years.
From YOUCAT to DOCAT: Inspiring youth to transform the world
Apr 26, 2017
In looking long and hard at this question, the Catholic Church is extending its approach to Catechism for the youth by inspiring them to put their faith into action.
My country first?! My family first?!
Apr 26, 2017
“I am a citizen, not of Athens or Greece, but of the world.” Socrates wrote those words more than twenty-four hundred years ago.
Risen: A hidden power is unleashed
Apr 21, 2017
Not a few people tend to underestimate what was set into motion by the Resurrection of Jesus.
Five Hundred Years of Misunderstanding
Apr 21, 2017
The heart has its reasons, says Pascal, and sometimes those reasons have a long history.
Recalling the Resurrection gives us New Hope in these difficult times
Apr 13, 2017
The world is in such a state today. A lot of uncertainty and alarm in West Asia. A chemical weapons attack that killed scores of people in Syria, dead
The Empty Tomb
Apr 13, 2017
Believers and nonbelievers alike have been arguing about the resurrection since the day Jesus rose.
Hadi’s bill controversy subsides, allowing us to focus on critical priorities
Apr 07, 2017
The government’s decision not to table Hadi’s bill that would have paved the way for the implementation of hudud has sparked a sense of relief.
Doing violence in God’s name
Apr 07, 2017
Blaise Pascal once wrote: “Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from a religious conviction.”

Sunday Reflection
Trusting in God: The key to true prosperity
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Philip Tay, OCD