Our overstimulated grandiosity – and our impoverished symbols
Sep 24, 2015
There are now more than seven billion people on this earth and each one of us feels that he or she is the centre of the universe. That accounts for most of the problems we have in the world, in our neighbourhoods, and in our families.
A different kind of leadership
Sep 24, 2015
These are trying times, and several events and incidents have added to the prevailing sense of gloom.
God’s ineffability – What’s revealed in Jesus’ eyes?
Sep 17, 2015
God, as I understand him, is not very well understood. A colleague of mine, now deceased, was fond of saying that. It’s a wise comment.
Francis wades into the heart of modern-day capitalism
Sep 17, 2015
In 2008, at the height of the economic crisis in the US, I mentioned in this column about an email I had received from a Buddhist friend of mine.
Dorothy Day — a saint for our time
Sep 11, 2015
Sometime soon, we will witness the canonization of Dorothy Day.
How grand corruption affects our quality of life
Sep 11, 2015
When I sent out a tweet (message on social media) asking people to tell me how to translate grand corruption into Malay, I received some interesting replies.
Pope Francis: On forgiving abortion
Sep 08, 2015
Today, one billion Catholics worldwide celebrate the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Bersih 4: On a wing and a prayer
Sep 04, 2015
Here I am, on the way to the Bersih 4 rally in KL. It is August 28, a day before Bersih 4, and a thick haze has descended on Penang.
Human Nature – Is it Somehow all Wrong?
Sep 04, 2015
An American humorist was once asked what he loved most in life. This was his reply: I love women best; whiskey next; my neighbor a little; and God hardly at all!
Political correctness – swallowing hard
Aug 26, 2015
Just because something is politically-correct doesn’t mean that it might not also be correct. Sometimes we have to swallow hard to accept truth.

Sunday Reflection
Trusting in God: The key to true prosperity
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Philip Tay, OCD