The Church is on the move ... slowly, but surely
Mar 17, 2023
The recently concluded Asian Continental Assembly on Synodality held at Baan Phu Waan Pastoral Training Centre near Bangkok, Thailand, was attended by more than 80 participants and delegates representing 29 Asian countries.
Faith is not a seasonal thing
Mar 17, 2023
The COVID-19 lockdown in 2020, which necessitated the shutdown of our churches, led me to search for Masses online.
Many lessons learnt from Camino Walk
Mar 17, 2023
Our group of five walked along the Mersata (with dry savanna-like terrain without any trees) for five days, found it boring and hot and the three of us then left the young couple to board a train for Sarria which is 100km from our destination, the city of Santiago (San Diego means St James in Spanis
Lenten fast An opportunity at conversation
Mar 17, 2023
During this period, many Catholics experience the joy of re-connecting with the Lord and the Church, as we journey toward Easter, preparing ourselves spiritually, to celebrate the Resurrection.
As He falls the third time…
Mar 17, 2023
...meanwhile, let’s remember that Jesus has been there…with His energy almost completely depleted and the weight of the Cross crushing His body, He conquered this Station.
Waiting for the angel to come
Mar 17, 2023
The night before he died, Jesus struggled mightily to accept his Father’s will. The Gospels describe him in the Garden of Gethsemane, prostrate on the ground, “sweating blood”, and begging his Father to save him from the brutal death that awaited him. Then, after he finally surrenders his will to hi
I'm an abuse survivor. Pope Francis met with me and changed my life.
Mar 17, 2023
I met Francis one day during a battle of years with so many Church leaders who — as some still do — had tried to silence me and so many survivors about the horrors of abuse. In 2018, I was given the opportunity to speak to Francis directly.
You can never outgive the Lord
Mar 10, 2023
Cradle Catholic lawyer Joachim Xavier felt the Lord calling him to serve in His vineyard six months after attending a Life in the Spirit Seminar (LSS).
The WE is as important as the ME
Mar 10, 2023
We have existential conversations about God, faith, outward signs of piety, inner conversions, and the struggle to find truth in a polarised world.
A collapsed ceiling, crisis communication and human behaviour
Mar 10, 2023
In a crisis, it is important to quell speculation and rumours immediately. Otherwise, it could lead to untruths and finger pointing. This leads to my second point about human behaviour.
Sunday Reflection
The miracle begins when the wine runs out
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Rawi Alexander, OFM, Cap