The grace within passivity
Nov 01, 2019
As Christians, we say that Jesus gave his life for us and that he gave his death for us, but we tend to think of this as one and the same thing. It’s not. Jesus gave his life for us through his activity; he gave his death for us through his passivity. These were two separate movements.
The economy should serve the people
Oct 26, 2019
In 2013 the influential Atlantic website in a commentary Pope Francis’ Theory of Economics said the economist who most closely reflects the Bishop of Rome’s thinking was sociopolitical economist and anthropologist Karl Polanyi.
Grieving as a spiritual exercise
Oct 26, 2019
A deep psychological scar is the same as having some part of your body permanently damaged in an accident. You will never be whole again and nothing c
Land-grabbing displaces the poor
Oct 19, 2019
Scripture has so many passages about greed. Yet, these warnings often fall on deaf years.
Race, religion – and the fire of greed
Oct 13, 2019
Of late, the politics of race and religion has resurfaced in Malaysia, as if gasping for air after being submerged by last year’s political tsunami.
Creating and holding space for our brokenness
Oct 12, 2019
Some years ago I went on a weekend retreat given by a woman who made no secret about the fact that not being able to have children constituted a deep
SOS — Save Our Seas
Oct 05, 2019
Rising sea levels will displace hundreds of millions of coastal residents from their homes by this century. If we don’t take action to curb emissions, the rise could be as much as 60- 110cm by 2100.
Jesus Christ – the person and the mystery
Oct 05, 2019
We quite naturally tend to think of the word “Christ” as Jesus’ second name. We think of the name “Jesus Christ” like we think of names like “Susan Parker” or “Jack Smith”.
Some counsels on faith and religion for our present generation
Sep 27, 2019
It’s no secret that today we’re witnessing a massive decline in church attendance and, seemingly, a parallel loss of interest in religion.
The problem with ‘great wealth’
Sep 27, 2019
The focus is on creating a more egalitarian society. For Piketty, what propels progress is the struggle for equality and education. Ownership of property is just temporary.

Sunday Reflection
Trusting in God: The key to true prosperity
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Philip Tay, OCD