
  • The scent of humility

    Sep 20, 2019

    According to Isaac the Syrian, a famous 7th Century bishop and theologian, a person who’s genuinely humble gives off a certain scent that other people will sense and that even animals will pick up, so that wild animals, including snakes, will fall under its spell and never harm that person.

  • Making the impossible dream possible

    Sep 20, 2019

    Last weekend saw the sealing of a pact between a race-based political party and a party with an exclusive religious agenda.

  • Late migrations

    Sep 14, 2019

    Jesus says that if we follow him, the cross, pain, will find us.

  • The millions of ordinary encounters that enrich Malaysia

    Sep 14, 2019

    The other day, I stepped into a ride-hailing driven by a young man who once worked in the civil service. A cheery “Hello!” greeted me the moment I stepped into the taxi late that night.

  • A lesson in ageing

    Sep 06, 2019

    We live in a culture that idealises youth and marginalises the old. And, as James Hillman says, the old don’t let go easily either, of the throne or t

  • Time to recognise the poverty in our midst

    Sep 05, 2019

    For far too long, we have been told that only 0.4 per cent of Malaysians were poor.

  • In new Malaysia, moving from ‘tolerance’ to a celebration of diversity

    Aug 31, 2019

    If we want to progress as a nation, it is high time we join the international community of nations in ratifying the 1951 UN Refugee Convention.

  • Imagining Grace

    Aug 30, 2019

    One wonders too how many people find this story comforting rather than discomforting, given a strong ecclesial ethos today wherein many of us nurse th

  • Intelligence versus Wisdom

    Aug 23, 2019

    There’s a huge difference between being bright and being wise, between brilliance and wisdom. We can be highly intelligent, but not very wise. Ideally

  • Building the new kingdom: Tools of the trade

    Aug 23, 2019

    The preacher obviously commands a huge following, going by the rockstar reception he received in Kota Baru recently.