
  • Russian Orthodox Church takes mission to drug addicts

    Aug 19, 2019

    A day center in Moscow to assist 15 people contemporarily. An exception to the ban on all non-profit organizations. Bishop Panteleimon: Drug addicts, truly needy. In Russia there are about 500 thousand drug addicts.

  • Why all this hopelessness and despair?

    Aug 16, 2019

    Many saw the move to include the teaching of khat as breaching the secular nature of the vernacular schools. Some saw it as a politically engineered c

  • Divine Understanding

    Aug 16, 2019

    A number of years ago at a symposium on faith and evangelisation, one of the speakers made a rather startling statement.

  • Now is the time to hug our trees

    Aug 10, 2019

    Last week, Penang activist Khoo Salma Nasution wrote a poem about the late consumer rights activist and environmentalist SM Mohamed Idris titled The man who hugged trees.

  • Our grandiosity and our wounds

    Aug 09, 2019

    We wake up into life with the incurable sense that we’re special, that we’re the centre of the universe. And, subjectively, we are!

  • A visit to Ipoh reveals a bald truth

    Aug 02, 2019

    Ipoh is an under-rated city with hidden surprises, a rich heritage and some mouth-watering local delicacies such as salted chicken baked in rock salt, hor fun and special white coffee.

  • What does it mean “to be born again”?

    Aug 02, 2019

    Jesus tells him that he “must be born again from above”. Nicodemus takes this literally and protests that it’s impossible for a grown man to re-enter his mother’s womb so as to be born a second time.

  • Greed is good?

    Jul 26, 2019

    In the 1987 movie Wall Street, the fictional character Gordon Gekko, a “corporate psychopath”, said, “Greed, for lack of a better word, is good.”

  • God’s finger in our lives

    Jul 25, 2019

    The problem in the world and in the churches, Jim Wallis suggests, is that, perennially, conservatives get it wrong and liberals (over-reacting to conservatives) then don’t get it at all. Nowhere is this truer, I believe, than in how we discern the finger of God in the events of our lives.

  • Can the Earth survive without human beings?

    Jul 18, 2019

    “Global warming issues are stuffing the country here. The government is in denial and coal centric — wanting to burn and export it at a great rate.