
  • On friendship

    Jun 01, 2018

    One of the richest experiences of grace that we can have this side of eternity is the experience of friendship.

  • The Spirit of truth and unity guides Malaysians to a higher level

    May 25, 2018

    The scale of the bags and bags of luxury handbags, valuables, cash and foreign currency recovered from the former leader’s residence has left many dumbfounded.

  • On suicide and despair

    May 25, 2018

    For centuries, suicide was considered as an act of despair and despair itself was seen as the most grievous sin of all. In many religious circles, despair was seen as the most sinful of all acts and ultimately unforgivable.

  • An unbelievable tsunami that surprised the world

    May 17, 2018

    And so it came to pass. After more than six decades in power, Malaysia’s ruling coalition finally succumbed on May 9, 2018 to an unstoppable wave of People Power.

  • Protest, sanity and a Christian response

    May 16, 2018

    In his book on prophecy, Commandments for the Long Haul, Daniel Berrigan offers this advice. Prophetic gestures aren’t always politically effective. Often, they accomplish nothing that’s practical; but he adds: If you can’t save the world at least you can save your own sanity.

  • The shortcomings of a digital immigrant

    May 04, 2018

    The phone wasn’t much to master, but it would be a goodly number of years before I mastered much in the brave new world of information technology

  • From persecutor to unlikely champion: God’s surprising choices

    Apr 28, 2018

    Saul or Paul was the unlikeliest of apostles, hardly the image of an all-conquering champion. Apocryphal and other contemporary texts from the period describe him as small or short, bald with somewhat reddish hair, bent, with crooked legs and sturdy physique, and a reddish complexion similar to a pomegranate! He could have been all of four feet six inches tall.

  • Moral Outrage

    Apr 27, 2018

    Moral outrage is the antithesis of morality. Yet it’s everywhere present in our world today and is everywhere rationalized on the basis of God and tru

  • Three issues to watch out for in the run-up to the general election

    Apr 20, 2018

    As the election approaches, some of us may have made up our minds; others are still reflecting and pondering over their choice

  • Reasons to believe in God

    Apr 19, 2018

    Today, belief in God is often seen as a naiveté. For many, believing in God is like believing in Santa and the Easter Bunny, nice, something for the kids, a warm nostalgia or a bitter memory, but not something that’s real, that stands up to hard scrutiny and, indeed, stands up to the dark doubts that sometimes linger below the surface of our faith.