
  • Sharing in a world of greed and violence

    Apr 04, 2019

    There is a saying that you can tell a lot about a person by the company he or she keeps. Somehow or other, the values and interests of those you are constantly surrounded will rub off on you.

  • Our struggle for proper Celebration

    Mar 28, 2019

    We don’t know how to celebrate things as they’re meant to be celebrated. We want to, but mostly, we don’t know how. Generally we celebrate badly.

  • MN D’Cruz — A passion for social justice

    Mar 28, 2019

    November 23, 1947 was like any other balmy Sunday evening at the beach in this fishing community.

  • Lessons through Failure …

    Mar 22, 2019

    What’s to be learned through failure, through being humbled by our own faults? Generally, that’s the only way we grow.

  • After Christchurch attacks, thoughts on violence, peace and justice

    Mar 21, 2019

    The terrorist attack on two mosques in Christchurch that left 50 dead highlights the despicable cycle of terror and violence that has rocked the world.

  • Unfinished relationships

    Mar 15, 2019

    A colleague of mine, a clinical therapist, shares this story: A woman came to him in considerable distress. Her husband had recently died of a heart attack.

  • In search of lasting wealth...

    Mar 14, 2019

    It appears as if there is a concerted attempt to highlight issues of ethnicity and religion. It seems that almost any issue can be turned or twisted into an ethnic and religious issue in an effort to whip up primordial sentiments for political gain. Now this is worrying.

  • Struggling inside our own skin

    Mar 07, 2019

    I’ve been both blessed and cursed by a congenital restlessness that hasn’t always made my life easy. I remember as a young boy restlessly wandering the house, the yard, and then the open pastures of my family’s farm on the prairies. Our family was close, my life was protected and secure, and I was raised in a solid religious faith.

  • New Malaysia not dead – but it needs a jumpstart

    Mar 07, 2019

    It was less than a year ago that many Malaysians felt so upbeat when the general election heralded in a new Malaysia.

  • An honourable defeat

    Feb 27, 2019

    Inside our Christian faith, defeat and victory are radically redefined. We speak, for instance, of the victory of the cross, of the day Jesus died as