After anti-ICERD rally, how to allay old insecurities
Dec 14, 2018
After anti-ICERD rally, how to allay old insecurities
Are jitters ahead of Umno-Pas rally justified?
Dec 07, 2018
The Umno-Pas rally on December 8 has been a talking point for some weeks. The rally is being held to “celebrate” the government’s backing down from ra
A lesson in a parking lot
Dec 06, 2018
Our natural instincts serve us well, to a point. They’re self-protective and that’s healthy too, to a point. Let me explain.
ICERD non-ratification: End of new Malaysia?
Nov 30, 2018
In recent weeks, we have seen an uptick in inflammatory racial and religious remarks sparked by the opposition to the government’s plan to ratify a UN treaty known as the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD).
Our lack of welcome
Nov 30, 2018
“Widows, orphans, and strangers,” that’s code in scripture for the three most vulnerable groups within a society at any given time.
How can we hear the cry of the poor?
Nov 22, 2018
We know the poor are never far from us. But often, they are not easy to find, if we don’t know where to look or how to listen to their cry.
Dual citizenship
Nov 21, 2018
I live on both sides of a border. Not a geographical one, but one which is often a dividing line between two groups.
‘You have the poor with you always’?
Nov 17, 2018
No matter how rich a country grows, no matter how fast the economy grows, somehow the problem of poverty does not seem to disappear.
When is our life fulfilled?
Nov 16, 2018
“It is fulfilled!” The Greek word here is Tetelesti. This was an expression used by artists to signify that a work was completely finished and that nothing more could be added to it. It was also used to express that something was complete.
Sunday Reflection
Trap of the human heart
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Dr Lawrence Ng Yew Kim