Recent Editorial
The cedar connected the Earth 10,000 years ago
Jun 05, 2021
Climate activist Michael Haddad brought two gifts for Pope Francis. The first was the branch of a cedar tree, a symbol of his homeland, Lebanon, a country which Pope St John Paul II called “a message.”
The most important global project since Vatican II
May 28, 2021
In the ninth year of his pontificate, Pope Francis launched an ambitious threeyear worldwide “synodal process” (2021-2023). It will culminate in October 2023 in Rome with the XVI ordinary general assembly of the Synod of Bishops.
Stop indulging Israel
May 28, 2021
Donald Trump’s America-first foreign policy was a policy of snubbing allies, coddling dictators and turning the State Department into an agent of the US arms industry.
Francis’ new ministry of catechist may help shrink the clergy-laity gap
May 22, 2021
Pope Francis on May 11 promulgated Antiquum Ministerium, creating a formal, installed (instituted) ministry of catechist
A good shepherd who can unite Hong Kong Catholics
May 22, 2021
This is excellent news indeed: Fr Stephen Chow Sauyan, provincial of the Chinese Province of the Society of Jesus, is the new bishop of Hong Kong.
Eucharist weaponised for political ends — this must not happen!
May 08, 2021
In the six months since the 2020 election, a growing movement has emerged in the Church in the United States that calls upon the nation’s bishops to publicly exclude President Joseph R Biden and other Catholic public officials from the Eucharist.
To choose a bishop: a man for the Church, not a “ladder-climber”
May 08, 2021
The criteria is not to seek perfection, “saints” to put on a pedestal, but men who certainly possess human and spiritual virtues.
Chinks in tackling COVID
May 01, 2021
The genie is out of the bottle with a vengeance; the new wave of Covid has proved all predictions wrong. Equally, it has brought out the chinks in tackling Covid.
Synodality and papal primacy
May 01, 2021
Questions regarding the Catholic Church today and the next pope.
Vietnamese Bishops focus on laity formation
Apr 24, 2021
Bishops in Vietnam have drawn up definite plans for training laypeople in faith practice and expanding training facilities.
Sunday Reflection
Trusting God ’s promises, preparing our hearts, and looking beyond the noise
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Dr Lawrence Ng