Recent Editorial

  • Microsoft rep calls Catholic Church a key ally in protecting kids online

    Oct 12, 2017

    The head of Microsoft's office for online safety has said the Catholic Church is a key ally in the ongoing effort to protect children from sexual abus

  • Corruption is the ‘termite of politics’

    Oct 06, 2017

    Pope Francis on Oct 1 blasted corruption as the “termite of politics” because it doesn’t permit a society to grow, and described every good politician as a kind of “martyr” to service because he or she must be willing to set aside their own ideas and desires to seek the common good.

  • Pope Francis retools the JPII Institute

    Oct 06, 2017

    The September 19 re-establishment of the Pontifical John Paul II Theological Institute for Science on the Family and Marriage is a good object lesson in the modus operandi of Pope Francis. It offers observers some helpful lessons about the Roman Pontiff’s leadership style.

  • Sad, tired and angry: A prayer in the face of gun violence

    Oct 06, 2017

    Sad, tired and angry: A prayer in the face of gun violence

  • Open corridors for refugees

    Oct 06, 2017

    Already well known for his advocacy on behalf of compassion and welcome for immigrants, Pope Francis on October 1 called for opening humanitarian corridors for refugees in difficult situations around the world, to avoid “intolerable delays and lost time that deceives.”

  • Mercy can scandalise those who don’t see their own sin

    Sep 27, 2017

    Celebrating the feast of St. Matthew, the anniversary of the day when as a 17-year-old he said he was overwhelmed by God's mercy, Pope Francis said it was interesting how many Catholics today seem to be scandalized when God shows mercy to someone.

  • The cries of the Rohingyas

    Sep 27, 2017

    Humanity is being attacked in the world by so many people, in so many places and in so many ways. The latest attack and a crime against humanity on the Rohingya community in Rakhaine state of Myanmar has resulted in a huge exodus of people numbering more than 400,000 leaving their homeland and entering into Bangladesh without dreams or hopes for future, wishing only to save their lives from these sudden inhuman atrocities.

  • The real scandal: Attacks on James Martin

    Sep 27, 2017

    At the Ignatian Solidarity Network’s annual conference, he’s greeted like a rock star by swarms of young Catholics who devour his books and remember him as Stephen Colbert’s “chaplain” on the Colbert Report.

  • True disciple of Jesus

    Sep 21, 2017

    Journalist Iacopo Scaramuzzi was the only Rome-based “Vaticanist” who predicted Jorge Mario Bergoglio SJ would be elected pope in 2013. He did so the night before the conclave got underway and the cardinals then selected the man we know as Francis, history’s first New World pope.

  • Rohingya people in Myanmar: what you need to know

    Sep 21, 2017

    The Rohingya are an ethnic minority in Myanmar which originates from the Indian sub continent. For several centuries, they have lived predominantly in Myanmar’s western state of Rakhine — also known as Arakan. They are predominantly Muslim.