Recent Editorial
Evil of “supremacy”
Aug 25, 2017
We strongly condemn the racist and hate-filled ideologies that sparked the violent and deadly Charlottesville, Virginia, demonstrations and counterpro
Cardinal Costantini founded the CDD Fathers
Aug 18, 2017
Cardinal Celso Costantini, the first Apostolic Delegate to China, founded the Congregation of the Disciples of the Lord (CDD) in 1927.
The emerging stature of Parolin
Aug 18, 2017
Today, Italian Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Vatican’s Secretariat of State, departs for a four-day trip to Moscow during which he’ll meet both Russian President Vladimir Putin and Patriarch Kirill of Moscow, thereby turning a neat double-play — advancing both the Vatican’s geopolitical agenda, as well as its desire for closer relations with the world’s 225-300 million Orthodox Christians.
Pioneering missionary Bishop to China considered for beatification
Aug 18, 2017
A cardinal who helped change Catholic missionary work in China is now a possible candidate for beatification.
First human embryos edited — it’s problematic!
Aug 12, 2017
Researchers in Oregon have announced that they have successfully altered genes in a human embryo for the first time in the United States, but Catholic ethicists warn that the procedure is morally objectionable for many reasons.
“Primacy of conscience” in Parliament important
Aug 12, 2017
The Jesuit Institute South Africa, in the light of voices to the contrary, reminds all Members of Parliament that they have the obligation to uphold the primacy of conscience.
Visit to Russia matters
Aug 06, 2017
Cardinal Parolin’s expected meeting with Patriarch Kirill comes as part of “a longing” to restore at least partial, if not full, unity among the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches.
God hates divorce, but God doesn’t hate divorced people
Aug 05, 2017
I used to think that only so-called mediocre Catholics got divorced, that it was for those men and women who did not try or pray hard enough while they were married. I used to think people who got divorced saw it as an easy, quick exit ramp to something they wanted out of.
‘Thin results’ from Pope’s financial ‘shock therapy’
Aug 05, 2017
One of Italy’s most respected political journalists wrote on Saturday in "Corriere della Sera," considered the country’s paper of record, that the “shock therapy” Francis tried to impose on Vatican finances has yielded “thin results.” Massimo Franco also suggested things are drifting back toward what Vatican insiders call “normality,” meaning the situation prior to the initial reforms three years ago, and that another key figure in the pope's attempted reform may soon be gone.
Archbishop Chaput’s rebuke illustrates the dualism that La Civilta Cattolica criticised
Jul 28, 2017
The Civilta article attacked one form of dualism explicitly: The Manichaean worldview that separates people into two camps, the one good and the other evil, and it argued that this dualism characterised the alliance between conservative Catholics and evangelicals in the United States.

Sunday Reflection
Trusting in God: The key to true prosperity
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Philip Tay, OCD