Recent Editorial
‘Post-Truth’ and Church History
Apr 07, 2017
‘Post-Truth’ has been described as a contemporary problem. However, George Orwell, in his novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, has cast a world in which the state changes historic recordsd aily to fit its propaganda goals of the day!
De-Christianisation in the West is a real threat. Putinism isn’t the answer.
Apr 07, 2017
The Patriarch Kirill of Moscow, in February, invited Catholics and other Christian faithful to join him in the trenches of the culture wars.
Creeping magisterial fundamentalism
Apr 07, 2017
Now, four years into the pontificate of Francis, only the traditionalist wing still uses the hermeneutics of “continuity and reform” versus “discontinuity and rupture” in interpreting Vatican II; Francis has never used it. But the damage is done, and not just in Rome or in the Vatican.
Plan for laypeople to lead parishes in Germany
Mar 31, 2017
Parish clustering is no answer to priest shortage. And so, German Cardinal Reinard Marx has announced plans to allow laypeople in his Archdiocese of Munich to lead parishes where there are no priests.
Outdated model for forming priests!
Mar 31, 2017
“Whenever Pope Francis has talked about the selection and training of Catholic priests, he has given every indication that he knows there are serious problems.”
Confusion in the Church
Mar 24, 2017
Some self-declared Catholic traditionalists have been complaining bitterly that there is much confusion and division within the Catholic Church.
Rise in populist leaders worries Vatican
Mar 17, 2017
Pope Francis and his closest allies continue to express their deep concern about the rise of populist political leaders around the world – those who appeal to people’s fear of foreigners and their desire to exclusively pursue isolationist self-interests.
Pope Francis has reconnected the Church with Vatican Il
Mar 17, 2017
Pope Francis has reconnected the Church with Vatican Il
Five hundred years after the Reformation: End the schism!
Mar 10, 2017
It was most gratifying that the Chairman of the Protestant Churches in Germany, Bishop Heinrich Bedford- Strohm and the President of the German Catholic Bishops’ Conference, Cardinal Reinhard Marx, officially visited Pope Francis, in Rome, together on the occasion of the Reformation Jubilee.
Did primitive earthly life begin from 3.3 billion years ago?
Mar 10, 2017
An international team has found evidence of microfossils in the “Nuvvuagittuq Greenstone Belt” on the coast of Hudson Bay in north-eastern Quebec in Canada.

Sunday Reflection
Jesus calls us to be courageous and embrace risks
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Andrew Kooi