Recent Editorial

  • Empower women and you empower the world

    Apr 01, 2016

    If diplomacy and policy-making are to be successful, all women – including those who are often left out of the conversation – must have a voice in the process, a Holy See representative told the United Nations.

  • Will Europe survive?

    Apr 01, 2016

    Looking over there these days, one wonders if we’re seeing not just widespread problems, but the failure of the European Union itself.

  • Why have footwashing?

    Mar 23, 2016

    Pope Francis on March 28, 2013, just weeks after being elected pope, when visiting a young offenders’ prison in Rome, washed the feet of some inmates, women and men, as part of his celebration of Holy Week.

  • Pope decries indifference to migrants

    Mar 23, 2016

    Pope Francis decried “the indifference” to the fate of the refugees and migrants in today’s world, as he opened the Holy Week celebrations in Rome on Palm Sunday, March 20.

  • Resurrection impacts us

    Mar 23, 2016

    It was an incomprehensible act of violence: 16 individuals, including four members of the Missionaries of Charity, were brutally shot and killed in a church-run retirement home in Yemen.

  • What's it like to go to confession with Pope Francis?

    Mar 18, 2016

    “Pope Francis practices what he preaches when he speaks of being a tender father in the confessional.”

  • Holy Year brings more people to confessionals

    Mar 18, 2016

    The number of people going to confession in St. Peter's Basilica increased noticeably in the first months of Year of Mercy, but not among English-speakers, who apparently are staying away from Europe out of fear of terrorism, said the rector of the basilica's team of confessors.

  • Three extraordinary years of Francis’ pontificate

    Mar 18, 2016

    Somehow it seems that Pope Francis has been leading the Roman Church for much longer.

  • Pope: Defend life from commodification and

    Mar 11, 2016

    Pope Francis spoke on March 3 to the participants of the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Academy for Life, which is meeting to discuss the virtues in the ethics of life.

  • The Church in the current age of populism

    Mar 11, 2016

    Populism is very complex in the Church and is linked to the nostalgia for a time when it was clear who was in charge and who was the audience.