Recent Editorial
Will we listen to Pope Francis?
Sep 24, 2015
What effect might the Pope’s visit have on the United States? Will they listen to him or not? There are a number of barriers in the way of the US really hearing what the Pope says.
Refuse to have kids — make room for migrants then!
Sep 24, 2015
In a new, wide-ranging interview Pope Francis spoke at length of the European refugee crisis – saying that incoming migrants are now filling the void left by a sterile continent that refuses to have children.
It is the most substantial change to the Church’s marriage law
Sep 17, 2015
The Vatican announced the changes Tuesday, Sept 8 by releasing the two official documents, given the Latin names of Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus (“The Meek Judge, The Lord Jesus”) and Mitis et misericors Iesus (“The Meek and Merciful Jesus”).
Indissolubility of marriage
Sep 17, 2015
The Holy Father’s attempts to reconcile the indissolubility of marriage, divine teaching that cannot be changed, with the current judicial process in force by which a party to a marriage or both parties request a Tribunal to determine whether in fact their relationship is indeed a valid marriage.
Marriage validity still hard to judge
Sep 17, 2015
Major reforms in the way the Catholic Church deals with broken marriages, announced this week, should go some way towards reassuring those who feared Pope Francis was weakening the Church’s teaching on the indissolubility of marriage.
Francis’ annulment changes stress prompt decisions, power of local bishops
Sep 17, 2015
Pope Francis has substantially and significantly altered the process for those seeking annulments of marriages in the Catholic Church, eliminating sometimes lengthy and redundant judicial procedures and empowering local bishops to make judgments on their own in “particularly evident” cases.
Francis: “I am coming to the US to be close to the people”
Sep 11, 2015
“I am coming to the United States to be close to the people and to help them along their life’s journey.”
Pope preparing for America
Sep 11, 2015
Pope Francis, in his televised virtual audience on ABC News’s 20/20 on Friday September 4, gave a clear indication that he is not only prepared for the task ahead, but is also fine tuning his message of comfort and personal kindness that bespeak a “Shepherd of Souls.”
No one separated from love of God
Sep 11, 2015
With his visit to the United States not far off, a less courageous man than Pope Francis would have kept quiet concerning abortion — one of the issues that has dominated Church-state relations there for a generation.
Pope Francis: forging a legacy
Sep 04, 2015
Pope Francis has been Bishop of Rome for only two and a half years. In this relatively short period of time he has been incredibly successful in reigniting the hopes and enthusiasm of reform-minded and self-described Vatican II Catholics.
Sunday Reflection
To be or not to be a child of God
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Alexuchelvam Mariasoosai