Healing in the Bible
Dec 04, 2015
People have suffered from afflictions to the mind, body and spirit since the beginning of time.
In search to heal and be healed
Dec 04, 2015
No one escapes this life without needing to be healed in some form.
Killer robots? They're a real issue – and here's what the Vatican has to say
Dec 03, 2015
No longer relegated to mere science-fiction, robots – built to kill people – play an increasing role in fighting terrorism alongside other new weapons of war.
Remembering the time when a pope ‘ruined Christmas’
Dec 02, 2015
As you perhaps know, Facebook has a feature whereby it greets you every morning with your ‘memories': that is, with some random posts you made on this day in years past.
Put ethics at heart of climate talks, Vatican says at Paris summit
Dec 02, 2015
In his speech at the COP-21 climate summit in Paris, the Vatican’s Secretary of State urged global leaders to orient their discussion toward a clear ethical objective, one that puts the human person, the poor in particular, at the center.
Jobs or health: A Cambodian village's stark choice
Dec 01, 2015
After an HIV outbreak in 2014 saw 264 people infected in the small northwest Cambodian village, aid flowed in, showily.
Struggle with porn? The Church can help you, US bishops say
Nov 30, 2015
For the first time, U.S. bishops have issued a historical pastoral letter specifically addressing the global crisis of pornography, looking at how the industry is affecting the parishioners in their pews and what the Church can do to offer mercy, healing, and hope to recovering pornography users.
Looking to Mary’s example during Advent
Nov 26, 2015
Patience is like a parking space at the mall on Black Friday — it exists but it sure seems in short supply.
Advent: What do we desire?
Nov 26, 2015
It was the first Sunday of Advent. In the assembly were two visitors, an 11-year-old boy and his mother.
Pope Francis’ priorities vs the priorities of the US bishops
Nov 26, 2015
As the US bishops gather in Baltimore for their annual fall meeting, they will be deciding their priorities until the end of this decade.

Sunday Reflection
Jesus calls us to be courageous and embrace risks
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Andrew Kooi