Advent: What do we desire?
Nov 26, 2015
It was the first Sunday of Advent. In the assembly were two visitors, an 11-year-old boy and his mother.
Pope Francis’ priorities vs the priorities of the US bishops
Nov 26, 2015
As the US bishops gather in Baltimore for their annual fall meeting, they will be deciding their priorities until the end of this decade.
The Pregnancy of Mary
Nov 26, 2015
This time of year, the Mother of God is very pregnant. The skin around her belly stretches to hold the weight of her child.
God is mercy: Holy Year affirms the belief that Christians, Muslims, Jews share
Nov 26, 2015
Opening the Holy Door of St Peter’s Basilica and the Year of Mercy, Pope Francis also hopes to open a year of “fervent dialogue” among Christians, Muslims and Jews, so that all who profess faith in a merciful God may be stronger in showing mercy toward one another.
Consider yourself a prophet
Nov 25, 2015
What is the direct opposite of a false prophet? Presumably it is a true prophet, one whose authenticity is fairly plain to see.
In Australia, bishops face legal complaint for defending marriage
Nov 25, 2015
The Sydney archbishop has strongly defended the freedom of the Catholic Church in response to a legal complaint claiming the Australian bishops’ pastoral letter on marriage violated Tasmania’s strict anti-discrimination law.
What the Vatican’s decision to charge five people over alleged leaks really means
Nov 24, 2015
The announcement that five people, including two journalists, allegedly responsible for latest round of leaks are to be charged under the laws of the Vatican City State, has generated considerable reaction and looks likely to generate more.
Banning the Lord’s Prayer advert is a foolish affront to freedom of speech
Nov 24, 2015
Most of the cinemas in the country will not be showing a one minute advertisement made by the Church of England which features the Our Father
Composer's music celebrates women in the Catholic church -- as priests
Nov 23, 2015
When composer Rich Moriarty, 69, was inspired four years ago to write music for a liturgy to celebrate women in the church, he had a particular role i
For Syrian refugees, faith groups want a US welcome mat
Nov 23, 2015
Religious groups are pushing back against a wave of opposition toward Syrian refugees and working to preserve the U.S. as a haven for them.

Sunday Reflection
Trusting in God: The key to true prosperity
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Philip Tay, OCD