Christians are victims of unprovoked violence
Nov 20, 2015
Practically in every part of the world, Christians have become victims of unprovoked violence.
For the Pope, in today’s world “the greatest famine is that of charity”
Nov 20, 2015
In today’s world, “the greatest famine is that of charity: we need, most of all, people with eyes renewed by love and a gaze that inspires hope.
Waiting in the midst of a culture that does not want us to wait
Nov 19, 2015
We’ve all been that little child, waiting for grandparents or cousins to arrive, gazing out the window and down the street, longing impatiently to see our loved ones. Little kids even have a hard time waiting for their parents to serve dessert.
US bishops: ‘Abortion and marriage are key election issues’
Nov 19, 2015
US bishops have issued an election-year guide stressing a moral imperative to evaluate candidates according to their position on marriage and abortion.
US bishops vote in favour of anti-pornography statement
Nov 19, 2015
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops approved a formal statement on pornography as part of their November 16 – 19 autumn general meeting in Baltimore.
Amid digital media trends, Vatican looks to learn from Asian strengths
Nov 19, 2015
The Catholic Church can learn from Asian trends in social media to help build communications networks and advance evangelization, a Vatican official has said.
Here's what the US bishops were most impressed with at the Synod
Nov 18, 2015
Most bishops at the recent Synod on the Family agreed that the Church should minister to married couples long after their wedding day, said a U.S. bishop who served as a delegate at the global meeting.
Secret ‘Catacombs Pact’ emerges after 50 years, and Francis gives it new life
Nov 16, 2015
On the evening of Nov. 16, 1965, quietly alerted to the event by word-of-mouth, some 40 Roman Catholic bishops made their way to celebrate Mass in an ancient, underground basilica in the Catacombs of Domitilla on the outskirts of the Eternal City.
Jubilee Year of Mercy
Nov 13, 2015
The Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium, which continues be the programmatic outline for the pontificate of Pope Francis, offers a meaningful expression of the very essence of the Extraordinary Jubilee announced on April 11, 2015.
Better investment in renewable sources
Nov 13, 2015
In advance, Cardinal Turkson also offered brief comments and took questions at a press conference at the Jesuit Santa Clara University, located 40 miles south of San Francisco.

Sunday Reflection
Jesus calls us to be courageous and embrace risks
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Andrew Kooi