Recourse to a Non-Juridical Canonical Procedure
Sep 17, 2015
There is a recent theoretical/pastoral adaptation of the Internal Forum solution that was proposed by Cardinal Kasper and also by a few participants at the recent Synod in 2014.
Queen Elizabeth II’s remarkable reign – and what her faith has to do with it
Sep 17, 2015
On Sept 9, Queen Elizabeth II turned 89, and surpassed her great-great grandmother Queen Victoria, who previously held the record for longest reigning British monarch.
Integral ecology: everything is connected
Sep 17, 2015
Integral ecology is a key concept in chapter four of Laudato Si’, Pope Francis’ encyclical on the environment.
The Process of Digital DetoxifyingDigital
Sep 11, 2015
Any digital device that connects one to the outside world, whether through news feeds or emails are shut off or put away in a secure place where it won’t be a distraction.
Why Detox?
Sep 11, 2015
Artificial light from screens increases alertness, which negatively affects sleep, mood and performance.
Sep 11, 2015
Change is inevitable where humanity is concerned. There have been a great many changes to our lives that may have been for the better or worse.
Technology + greed = disaster
Sep 11, 2015
A superficial review of Laudato Si’ could lead the reader to think that Pope Francis is a Luddite. He has very critical things to say about technology, especially when it is connected to greed.
Dorothy Day — a saint for our time
Sep 11, 2015
Sometime soon, we will witness the canonization of Dorothy Day.
Fleshless theology becomes ideology
Sep 11, 2015
In a video-message addressed to the International Congress of Theology in Buenos Aires, Pope Francis said: “The great fathers of the Church were great theologians because they were great pastors.”

Sunday Reflection
Trusting in God: The key to true prosperity
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Philip Tay, OCD