For sacramental validity, believe in the Church
Sep 11, 2015
The reality of the internal forum has emerged in the last couple of decades mainly due to the ever-growing secularization of faith-societies of the by-gone eras.
Digital detox and internet addiction disorderDigital
Sep 04, 2015
The average employee checks 40 websites a day, switching activities 37 times an hour, changing tasks every two minutes.
A Digital Age
Sep 04, 2015
A new phenomenon has emerged. It dulls our minds and leads us to question no longer. It also forces us to become slaves of the new digital innovation.
Revelation and creation: respecting and sharing God’s gift
Sep 04, 2015
From the beginning of human history, the beauty and awesomeness of creation has inspired people to think of God.
Marriage internal forum solution
Sep 04, 2015
Quite a number of Synod Fathers appealed for greater efficiency and a speeding up of Marriage Tribunals as a way forward pastorally with regard to the divorced and re-married Catholics, even at the recent Synod.
Human Nature – Is it Somehow all Wrong?
Sep 04, 2015
An American humorist was once asked what he loved most in life. This was his reply: I love women best; whiskey next; my neighbor a little; and God hardly at all!
A Historic Pulpit
Aug 27, 2015
Pope Francis address workshop on climate change and human trafficking attended by mayors from around the world at Vatican.
A critical evaluation of some of the pastoral solutions proposed
Aug 27, 2015
Since the pastoral issue of the divorced and re-married is an ancient one, various pastoral solutions have been suggested all along history, as to how Catholics in such unions could receive the Eucharist.
Political correctness – swallowing hard
Aug 26, 2015
Just because something is politically-correct doesn’t mean that it might not also be correct. Sometimes we have to swallow hard to accept truth.
‘Are we starting to destroy ourselves?’
Aug 26, 2015
Heat waves in Pakistan, toxic floods in Vietnam, crippling haze in Malaysia and torrential rain in Myanmar.

Sunday Reflection
Trusting in God: The key to true prosperity
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Philip Tay, OCD