
  • A mother’s expectations for the World Meeting of Families

    Aug 07, 2015

    I have to confess that sometimes I'm envious of other families. They seem to have it together.

  • World meeting of families: a place for faith, unity and conversion

    Aug 07, 2015

    For many Americans, and certainly for many American Catholics, the beginning of fall in Philadelphia is a much bigger deal this year than most.

  • Stories of Life: James Ho, the ‘Charity Man’ of Johor Bahru

    Aug 06, 2015

    A man with a fatherly disposition and well-loved by the various communities and the Catholic Church for his outreach to the poor, aged, underprivileged and the disabled is still carrying on his mission and not wanting to give up, despite his age.

  • Children of both heaven and earth

    Aug 06, 2015

    “Because, my God, though I lack the soul-zeal and the sublime integrity of your saints, yet I have received from you an overwhelming sympathy for all that stirs within the dark mass of matter; because I know myself to be irremediably less a child of heaven and a son of earth.”

  • How knowing your fertility can catch diseases early

    Aug 06, 2015

    When Maggie was in high school, she stayed after class to talk to ask a teacher what to do about a very personal concern she felt her physician was not taking seriously.

  • Papal parenting guide: Francis delivers his own how-to for families

    Aug 06, 2015

    Pope Francis knows the family is made up of real people living in the real world, which is why he often gives down-to-earth advice.

  • Food for Thought

    Jul 31, 2015

    Catholic social teaching, which flows straight from the teaching of Jesus, addresses how we are to use money for our benefit and the benefit of others.

  • Is it a sin to be rich?

    Jul 31, 2015

    In our lives of faith, we hear the phrase found in Mark 10:25 over and over: “It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for one who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.”

  • The Gospel’s approach to wealth

    Jul 31, 2015

    Does being spiritual and being devoted to God mean we have to flee the material world, its wealth, pleasures and our possessions? It’s a question that comes up frequently as we read Church documents, listen to our spiritual leaders or even when we page through the Bible.

  • The healing place of silence

    Jul 31, 2015

    A recent book, by Robyn Cadwallander, The Anchoress, tells the story of a young woman, Sarah, who chooses to shut herself off from the world and lives as an Anchoress, like Julian of Norwich.