
  • What is food entitlement?

    Jul 31, 2015

    More than 40 years ago, Amartya Sen tried to use a concept called “food entitlement”. In his book Poverty and Famine published in 1981 he explains the causation behind or the preceding phases which are at the basis of hunger and famine.

  • Food for Thought

    Jul 23, 2015

    Beliefs that defy earthly explanation are part of the spiritual DNA of a Catholic.

  • An experience that defies an earthly explanation

    Jul 23, 2015

    My wife tells a story about her dad and their special connection -- a connection that transcended this life and one that defies a natural explanation.

  • Even Catholics are mystified by what can't be explained

    Jul 23, 2015

    Things that go bump in the night hold an eerie fascination -- even for Catholics. People love to be mystified by what defies an earthly explanation.

  • The apostles witness what defies explanation

    Jul 16, 2015

    An astounding experience awaited Jesus' apostles after his death and resurrection. They saw him! They spent time with the risen Lord.

  • Mother, Teacher, Family: The Nature and Role of the Church

    Jul 16, 2015

    The Church is a mother; she’s there at the very beginning of life, even before her child is conscious of her (Baptism). She feeds her children, again and again (Eucharist).

  • Food for Thought

    Jul 10, 2015

    Perhaps one of the most celebrated cases showing the strength of a Spiritual guide can be found in the relationship between St. Francis of Assisi and St. Clare.

  • Some guide us into the light without realizing it

    Jul 10, 2015

    One of my guilty pleasures is watching "Days of Our Lives," the NBC daytime drama celebrating its golden jubilee in 2015.

  • Spiritual guides provide support and an example to emulate

    Jul 10, 2015

    An appreciation for “the givenness of life” helps people thrive in their daily existence. The world around them needs this appreciation too.

  • The God of our desires

    Jul 10, 2015

    What lies deepest inside authentic faith is the truth that God is the object of all human desire, no matter how earthy and unholy that desire might seem at times.