
  • Spiritual guides provide support and an example to emulate

    Jul 10, 2015

    An appreciation for “the givenness of life” helps people thrive in their daily existence. The world around them needs this appreciation too.

  • The God of our desires

    Jul 10, 2015

    What lies deepest inside authentic faith is the truth that God is the object of all human desire, no matter how earthy and unholy that desire might seem at times.

  • Celebrating Bible Sunday around the parishes

    Jul 10, 2015

    The Catholic community plays a role in encouraging children on the importance of reading the Bible.

  • Food for Thought

    Jul 01, 2015

    Often the word “charism” is used to refer to a ministry that a particular religious order is known for, or a special gift that the founder of an order possessed. Some refer to an order’s charism as the personality it brings to the Church.

  • Charism: Gift, passion and joy

    Jul 01, 2015

    Like most of the population, I experience some measure of anxiety when called to speak in front of more than three or four people at a time. Public speaking is not my thing.

  • Should God’s gifts to me and you divide us?

    Jul 01, 2015

    Most people agree that great teachers are gifted people. I, for one, am indebted to several fine teachers who awakened me to my own modest gifts and inspired me to develop them.

  • The one theologian you need to know about when reading Laudato Si’

    Jul 01, 2015

    With so many interpretations being presented for Pope Francis’ new encyclical, Fr Robert Barron says only one theologian can give us the proper context for reading Laudato Si’: Romano Guardini.

  • The hero-complex

    Jul 01, 2015

    Several years ago, the movie Argo won the Academy award as the best movie of the year.

  • Have a family, grow a garden, be holy

    Jul 01, 2015

    The Pope’s latest encyclical Laudato Si’ was published Thursday, June 18.

  • Pope decries abortion, population control in new encyclical

    Jul 01, 2015

    In his new encyclical on the environment, Pope Francis slams attacks against human life such as abortion, embryonic experimentation and population control – saying that respect for creation and human dignity go hand in hand.