The best one can do in the circumstances
Jun 26, 2015
Recently, I led a week long retreat for some sixty people at a renewal center. Overall, it went very well, though ideally, it could have gone better.
Food for Thought
Jun 26, 2015
Pope Francis often brings up the important role women play as models of faith. In his general audience catechesis for April 3, 2013, he recalled that it was women who were chosen by God as the first witnesses of the Resurrection, the cornerstone of our faith.
The pillars holding up a daily life of faith
Jun 26, 2015
St Therese of Lisieux has her home on the dresser in my bedroom. Some days, I feel bad for all my missteps she witnesses — the myriad times I turn off my alarm and slink back under the covers, my frustration over my children’s missing uniform pants, the raised voices signalling that, yet again, we are running close to being late.
Women’s role in the life of faith
Jun 26, 2015
It’s not difficult to see. Walk into a religious education programme in the US today and you’ll see that a large number of catechists are women.
For every living creature on Earth
Jun 17, 2015
Pope Francis is not the first pope to address environmental issues but he is the first to devote an encyclical to them. Tackling climate change is not only an issue of justice and human survival, but an act of faith in God’s creation of the world
Food for Thought
Jun 17, 2015
In a Jan 28, 2015, general audience, on an occasion to continue his catechesis on the family, Pope Francis touched on the topic of fatherhood.
Father’s day lessons from our heavenly Father
Jun 17, 2015
Scripture tells us very little about St. Joseph, the patron saint of fathers (and of much more, including the universal Church), but Scripture certainly shows us a model of a good father.
The pilgrimage into fatherhood
Jun 17, 2015
I became a father only 42 years ago, so I still am discovering all that this role encompasses. Perhaps, after 10 years of additional experience, I’ll be able to tell you precisely what “fatherhood” means.
United against Elder Abuse
Jun 10, 2015
Millions of older persons are abused, neglected, and exploited. Once a year on June 15, communities and municipalities around the world plan activities and programmes to recognize World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD).
Church in North Western USA is poor!
Jun 10, 2015
It’s rare to hear much about the Church in the western United States. Given that the national media and the bishops’ conference lie in the East, that’s no surprise.

Sunday Reflection
Trusting in God: The key to true prosperity
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Philip Tay, OCD