
  • Spiritual warfare

    Nov 20, 2014

    Spiritual literature has always highlighted the primordial struggle between good and evil, and this has generally been conceived of as a war, a spiritual battle.

  • Former lesbian on why it’s ‘cruel’ for Church leaders to go soft on same-sex relationships

    Nov 20, 2014

    Robin Teresa Beck, 59, lived through 12 lesbian relationships over the course of 35 years before her dramatic conversion to the Catholic faith and healing from homosexuality, just five years ago.

  • The science of attraction: How the pill is changing who women want

    Nov 20, 2014

    The pill is not only causing a massive shift in who women are attracted to, but is also wreaking havoc on their bodies, men and the environment. What's more? Biochemical research can prove it, says one critic.

  • What will the Pope be up to in Sri Lanka, Philippines? Take a look

    Nov 14, 2014

    Today the Vatican published the official itinerary for Pope Francis’ upcoming visit to Sri Lanka and the Philippines, during which he is slated to spend roughly two days each in Colombo, Manila and Tacloban.

  • Understanding of purgatory in contemporary psychotherapy

    Nov 13, 2014

    For many Christians the existence of Purgatory is an article of faith.

  • Celebrating the Dedication of St John Lateran Basilica

    Nov 13, 2014

    The Roman Pontiff in his Angelus last Sunday, explained about the feast of the dedication of Rome’s Basilica of St John Lateran. Built under Pope Melchiade in the early 300s, the basilica is the oldest Christian church in the world, and serves as Rome’s cathedral.

  • Carrying our cross

    Nov 13, 2014

    Among Jesus’ many teachings we find this, rather harsh-sounding, invitation: Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow me.

  • Food for Thought

    Nov 13, 2014

    In The Light of Faith, Pope Francis’ first encyclical, we read that “in the family, faith accompanies every age of life.”

  • A support system that gives and receives

    Nov 13, 2014

    Countless times, I’ve seen young parents struggle with keeping their little ones quiet and interested during Mass. Having been in their place before, I know how difficult that can be, especially when a baby is fussy or a child is misbehaving.

  • The parish and its many domestic churches

    Nov 13, 2014

    It is in their parish that Catholics usually encounter the Church most directly. But again and again today, we hear that the Church ought to be encountered inside our homes as well.