The Church of Indonesia looks at guidelines from the synod to better prepare couples
Oct 17, 2014
Catholic priests and leaders from 13 Indonesian dioceses met to discuss marriage, divorce, and the future of the family, which are some of the same issues currently being discussed at the Synod (5-19 October) in Rome between.
Inductive method encourages freedom of speech at the Synod
Oct 17, 2014
“What’s going on in the Synod is, we’re seeing a more inductive way of reflecting, starting with the real situations of people… and finding that the lived experience of people is also a theological source, a place of theological reflection", he stated.
Six Synod Fathers to Team that Writes Final Report
Oct 17, 2014
As the synod on the family reached the midway stage on a positive note, Pope Francis took the unprecedented and highly significant decision to add six highly qualified synod fathers to the team that will write its Final Report.
Austrian, German cardinals stress need for new look at teachings on marriage, family
Oct 17, 2014
Both Cardinal Christoph Schonborn of Vienna and Cardinal Reinhard Marx of Munich are campaigning for a new look at marriage and the family at the ongoing synod in Rome.
Sacred Permission to be Human and the Tools to Handle Frustration
Oct 17, 2014
we have verses in the Psalms, in passages that we pray liturgically, where we ask God to bash the heads of the children of our enemies against a rock.
Food for Thought
Oct 10, 2014
In a 1993 pastoral letter, the Catholic bishops of Kentucky offered seven tips.
Gifts and challenges of interchurch marriages
Oct 10, 2014
An extraordinary general session of the world Synod of Bishops are meeting Oct. 5-19, 2014 at the Vatican.
New syariah bylaw worries religious minorities in Aceh
Oct 10, 2014
Members of minority communities in Indonesia’s Aceh province say they are worried about how non-Muslims will be treated after its parliament passed a sharia-based law that stipulates tough new punishments — including caning — for offences, including adultery and drinking.
Five people who helped give me some self-underst
Oct 10, 2014
Although I grew up in a loving, safe, and nurturing family and community, one of the dominant memories of my childhood and teenage years is that of being restless and somehow discontented.

Sunday Reflection
Trusting in God: The key to true prosperity
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Philip Tay, OCD