“Be Courageous, I have conquered the world (John 16:33)”
Sep 11, 2014
This year, the Church will celebrate Catechetical Sunday on September 21, 2014, and will focus on the theme "Teaching About God's Gift of Forgiveness."
May your kingdom come, but not yet
Sep 11, 2014
A friend of mine likes to humour about his struggles in growing up. When I was in my twenties, he quips, I felt that by the time I was forty I would have grown-up enough to let go of my bad habits.
Intensity of regard; Ignatian spirituality in the classroom
Sep 11, 2014
So, you have found God in all things, you have immersed yourself in the human world and you have cultivated the habit of letting a sense of wonder touch your soul.
The truth shall set you free
Sep 11, 2014
We live in challenging times. Not only are we faced with economic and social difficulties, the political situation too has become difficult.
Seize the day! (Carpe diem!): Ignatian spirituality in the classroom
Sep 04, 2014
I wonder how many schoolteachers would actually see spirituality as even an element in their professional work. And yet, even a cursory comparison with other professions will reveal an instinctive tendency we have to see teachers as, at least potentially, spiritual figures.
Fearing our own maturity
Sep 04, 2014
Our bodies and our souls each have their separate aging process, and they aren’t always in harmony.
Food For Thought
Sep 04, 2014
It’s no small task to trust someone we can’t see or hear – at least not with our five senses. And yet, since the beginning of Christianity, trust in God has been central to us, as a body of believers and as individuals.
Radically trusting in God
Sep 04, 2014
One of the most repeated phrases in the Bible is, “Be not afraid.” It is, of course, a spur to fearful humanity to trust in God and his goodness, mercy and benevolence in overseeing their lives.
What does it mean to trust in God?
Sep 04, 2014
Trust is a simple word. While a basic concept, trust is a necessary component of all human interaction. By definition, trust is the firm belief in the integrity, ability or character of a person or thing.
Food For Thought
Aug 28, 2014
In October, all eyes will be on the Vatican to see what comes out of the extraordinary Synod of Bishops, a meeting to prepare for the world Synod of Bishops next year, which may have implications for Catholic families.

Sunday Reflection
Trusting in God: The key to true prosperity
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Philip Tay, OCD