Global Church News
All Saints' Day
Nov 01, 2016
All Saints' Day is a solemn holy day of the Catholic Church celebrated annually on November 1.
First Masses held in Qaraqosh cathedral devastated by Islamic State
Nov 01, 2016
The Syrian Catholic Archbishop visited the most important Christian city of Iraq, recently wrested from the jihadists. Qaraqosh bears the "scars" of the fighting. Need to de-mine land strewn with unexploded bombs before his people can return.
Christian leaders: After Daesh, Mosul and Nineveh should be a model of unity and religious freedom
Nov 01, 2016
At the invitation of Patriarch Sako, Iraqi Christian religious leaders met yesterday in Erbil to discuss the future of the Mosul area. Iraq's original component, Christians are "pioneers of moderation and openness."
Pope in Sweden: "Catholics and Lutherans cannot be resigned to division"
Nov 01, 2016
Catholics and Lutherans cannot “be resigned to the division and distance that our separation has created between us.
Christ's burial slab uncovered for the first time in centuries
Nov 01, 2016
National Geographic recently detailed the “moment of revelation” at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, which exposed the rock slab on which Christ's body is held to have been placed after his death.
Priests advised to celebrate Masses outdoors after massive earthquake in Italy
Nov 01, 2016
The earthquake, which measured 6.5 on the Richter scale, was the most severe in Italy since 1980
Pope and President of Lutheran World Federation sign Joint statement
Nov 01, 2016
The Declaration was signed during the ecumenical prayer service held in Lund’s Lutheran Cathedral on the first day of the Pope’s visit to Sweden.
Full text: Pope’s homily at service for 500th anniversary of Reformation
Nov 01, 2016
Pope Francis delivered the homily at the ecumenical prayer service in Sweden
Catholics and Lutherans must ‘move beyond controversies of the past’, says Pope Francis
Nov 01, 2016
Francis was speaking at a service to mark the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation
Pope Francis in Sweden for ‘important ecumenical event’
Nov 01, 2016
Francis visited the King and Queen of Sweden ahead of prayer service to mark the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation

Sunday Reflection
Trusting in God: The key to true prosperity
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Philip Tay, OCD