Global Church News
Argentine priest who denounced drug traffickers found dead
Oct 07, 2016
A priest in the northern Argentine city of San Miguel de Tucumán who in recent days denounced drug traffickers in his homilies was found dead in his rectory on Wednesday.
Indonesian places of worship inaccessible for disabled people
Oct 07, 2016
Fransiskus Xaverius Widiyanto’s stroke began with a loss of hearing.
Javanese Catholics integrate local traditions in New year Mass
Oct 07, 2016
Thousands of Catholics in Semarang Archdiocese in Central Java began the Month of the Holy Rosary on Oct. 1 with an inculturation liturgy that combined Javanese New Year celebrations with Marian devotion.
"I receive the Body of Christ through their hands": Mark Wahlberg
Oct 07, 2016
The actor said he had known many good and holy priests and hoped future generations would too
Catholic University of America releases toolkit to fight domestic violence
Oct 07, 2016
Marking the start of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, The Catholic University of America has released a toolkit to help connect victims with the res
Church seeks to set up eye bank in violence-hit Kashmir
Oct 07, 2016
Catholic Church officials in Jammu and Kashmir have sought government permission to start an eye bank to help casualties of recent violence in the Muslim-majority state, where organ donation is eschewed.
Religious men and women to shape Asian Church
Oct 07, 2016
At a gathering of religious people in Freising, Germany, early last month, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Vatican secretary of state, highlighted that the "Lord's call to bring peace and mercy" is "urgent and significant" in today's world.
Thieves ransack Liverpool’s Catholic cathedral
Oct 07, 2016
Glass images were smashed and cash stolen
Sulawesi: Indonesian Youth Day comes to a close
Oct 07, 2016
Thousands of people and 18 local bishops attend the closing Mass. Prayers, testimonies and moments of exchange between the young and clergymen filled the days. Two brothers from Taizé spoke yesterday, and participants went to confession. For one Catholic youth, being treated as “a brother or a sister” was worth all the travel.
Catholic doctor against euthanasia explains what suffering and death mean for the Church
Oct 07, 2016
Dr Pascoal Carvalho is set to speak at the National Symposium organised for the 20th anniversary of the diocesan Commission for human life in Mumbai.

Sunday Reflection
Jesus calls us to be courageous and embrace risks
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Andrew Kooi