Global Church News
Pope Francis sets off on three-day visit to Georgia and Azerbaijan
Sep 30, 2016
Pope Francis has set off on a three-day visit to Georgia and Azerbaijan.
Ancient Hebrew scroll reveals oldest scripture text
Sep 30, 2016
Researchers have deciphered an ancient Hebrew scroll to reveal the earliest copy ever found of an Old Testament scripture, NPR reports.
Pope says journalism based on rumours and fear is ‘terrorism
Sep 30, 2016
Pope Francis warned that journalism, when based on rumours, can be a form of terrorism, meaning a “weapon of destruction” of both people and nations.
Stage set for Indonesian Youth Day
Sep 30, 2016
The Diocese of Manado is putting the final touches to preparations for the Second Indonesian Youth Day of the Catholic Church, that kicks off on Saturday here in Manado
Top Vatican doctrinal officials look at role of women in the Church
Sep 30, 2016
A three-day meeting on the subject was hosted by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
Chaldean bishops order priests who fled Iraq to return home
Sep 30, 2016
They said priests who left without permission had to 'regularise their status'
The Spirit of Assisi is back in vogue
Sep 30, 2016
The “Spirit of Assisi” — a phrase that many people in the last pontificate ridiculed as an unthinking, trendy-lefty capitulation to religious syncretism — is fully back in vogue again within the Catholic Church.
Pope condemns 'arrogant' abuse of power that leads to war, violence
Sep 30, 2016
In a passionate speech on Thursday, Pope Francis condemned as arrogant the mentality of revenge and the abuses of power that lead to violent conflicts.
Cardinal Zen to Umbrellas Movement: The Church must denounce injustice, undeterred
Sep 30, 2016
A Mass in front of Hong Kong parliament to commemorate the pro-democracy demonstrations two years ago. In the city and in particular in Admiralty (where hundreds of thousands of people gathered) another moment with Benny Tai.
“Reconciliation” Between Catholics, Orthodox “Now Closer,” Says Archbishop Forte
Sep 30, 2016
The Archbishop of Chieti-Vasto Is Pleased at the End of the Ecumenical Meeting Held in His Diocese

Sunday Reflection
Jesus calls us to be courageous and embrace risks
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Andrew Kooi