Global Church News
Georgian Catholics started from zero, what's next after the papal visit
Oct 04, 2016
The tiny community of the Catholic Church in Georgia was barely surviving just decades ago.
Archbishop to public officials: Rely on the Holy Spirit
Oct 04, 2016
Amidst the current environment of “political polarization,” one archbishop exhorted public officials on Sunday not to be discouraged, but to pray together and ask for “an outpouring of the Holy Spirit.”
Boko Haram will soon fizzle out’, says Nigerian bishop fighting terrorism with the rosary
Oct 04, 2016
Bishop Oliver Dashe Doeme of Maiduguri said the terrorist group have been pushed back
Vandal destroys statues in four Roman churches
Oct 04, 2016
Italian police have arrested a 39-year-old Ghanaian man who entered several historic churches in central Rome Sept. 30 and Oct. 1, destroying a number of statues and creating panic among the faithful and tourists who were there at the time.
The Church of Fr. Jacques Hamel reopens, exceptionally, process of beatification begins
Oct 04, 2016
For the first time since July 26, sunday afternoon, the doors of the church of St Etienne-du-Rouvray, close to Rouen, where Fr. Jacques Hamel, was murdered by two young jihadists, reopened.
Aleppo’s Armenian Christian neighbourhoods targeted by jihadi (and Turkish) rockets
Oct 04, 2016
Fighting and dying continue not only in eastern Aleppo, where the Syrian army is pursuing its offensive backed by Russian air strikes, but also in the government-controlled western districts.
Religious tolerance is good for society and the soul, says Pope during mosque visit
Oct 04, 2016
Quoting a Muslim poet, Francis said religions should help people build better societies
Second Indonesian Youth Day begins with live-in programme
Oct 04, 2016
The Second Indonesian Youth Da y (IYD) began in the host Diocese of Manado on Oct. 1, with 2600 youth from the country’s 37 dioceses living in families of Manado's 37 parishes.
Nepalis, Catholic and non-Catholic, bid farewell to apostolic nuncio Mgr Salvatore Pennacchio
Oct 04, 2016
Nepal’s Catholic community "is numerically small but big in faith," said Mgr Salvatore Pennacchio during his farewell ceremony as apostolic nuncio in Nepal.
Canadian cardinal won’t refuse funerals for those choosing assisted suicide
Oct 04, 2016
Cardinal Gerald Lacroix of Quebec said he would not follow in the steps of other Canadian bishops

Sunday Reflection
Trusting in God: The key to true prosperity
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Philip Tay, OCD