Global Church News
Mercy in art: Jubilee Itinerary among masterpieces of great Italian Artists
Jul 22, 2016
From May 31 to November 27, 2016, Rome’s Capitoline Museums are housing an exhibition titled “Mercy in Art: Jubilee Itinerary among the Masterpieces of Great Italian Artists,” organized by the European Center for Tourism and Culture, on the occasion of the Jubilee proclaimed by the Holy Father
Charity sends 3,500 youth from difficult situations to WYD16
Jul 22, 2016
Some 3,500 young people from 29 different countries will be able to attend World Youth Day in Krakow, Poland July 25-31, 2016, thanks to the support of international Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need (ACN).
New Evangelisation in Ireland: How to be a non-ghetto, creative minority
Jul 22, 2016
Young adults flocked to this weekend encounter on the theme of explaining the Catholic faith in the modern world.
The powerful witness of Iraqi young people at World Youth Day
Jul 22, 2016
Among the swarms of pilgrims registered for World Youth Day in Poland next week is a large group of Iraqi youth, who aim to witness to the joy of their faith despite ongoing violent persecution.
That time Jesus appeared in the sky of Mexico
Jul 22, 2016
On Sunday, Oct. 3, 1847, more than 2,000 people in Ocotlán, Mexico saw a perfect image of Jesus Christ crucified that appeared in the sky
Like the Fatima visionaries, we should meditate on hell
Jul 22, 2016
Reflecting on the horrors of hell can help us to avoid ending up there
Why pray after tragedy? This Sandy Hook mother has an answer
Jul 22, 2016
Some people have difficulty seeing the point of prayer in times of trouble. But for Magnificat magazine columnist Jennifer Hubbard, prayer got her thr
WYD is event full of novelty
Jul 22, 2016
Monsignor Miguel Delgado Galindo, Under-Secretary of the Pontifical Council for the Laity, Speaks on Celebration of World Youth Day in Krakow
Young Sri Lankan Catholics and Anglicans seeking unity
Jul 22, 2016
An Anglican and Roman Catholic Joint Youth Conference is held on “so that they may be one” (Jn, 17-22). Young Catholic and Anglican leaders meet to le
Death knell for Britain’s historic Heythrop College?
Jul 21, 2016
A proposed merger between Heythrop College, operated by the British Jesuits, and Roehampton University will not go ahead, possibly sounding the death knell for the 400 year old college.

Sunday Reflection
Trusting in God: The key to true prosperity
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Philip Tay, OCD