Global Church News
Is Pope Francis' Armenia visit another step toward Christian unity?
Jun 24, 2016
Pope Francis’ visit to Armenia is a chance to build on decades of productive ecumenical dialogue with the Armenian Apostolic Church, a local Catholic bishop has said.
Iraqi refugees: Daesh, exile and the desire to meet with Pope Francis
Jun 24, 2016
The memory of a childhood "peaceful and without any major problems", spent in the family with the ordinary difficulties of every day, turned upside down by the fall of a regime that could maintain "stability", even if by using force.
Armenia: Pope Francis in continuity with Benedict XV
Jun 24, 2016
The 14th Apostolic journey abroad of Pope Francis is to Armenia, a landlocked mountainous nation which borders with to the west Turkey, to the East Azerbaijan, to the north Georgia and to the South Iran.
Hue: Catholic nuns and Buddhist women together to fight breast cancer
Jun 24, 2016
Every year, 4,500 Vietnamese women die from cancer. Over a ten-year period, the rate jumped by 69 per cent. Lack of preventive measures and financial means as well as social stigma deter people from seeking treatment. A group of Catholic nuns, medical practitioners and Buddhist volunteers organised a seminar to raise awareness about the problem, and allay fears about the pain.
Francis affirms the courage of the first Christian nation
Jun 24, 2016
June 24 saw only the second visit by a Pope to the tiny, landlocked former Soviet republic of Armenia, in a historic three-day trip.
Pope Francis to visit Armenia’s memorial to ‘Genocide’ victims
Jun 23, 2016
Pope Francis travels Friday for a three-day trip to Armenia, where he will visit the memorial to those who died in the 1915 massacre of Armenians by Turks, potentially straining relations between the Vatican and Ankara again.
Armenia prepares for a Papal visit
Jun 23, 2016
The imminent visit of Pope Francis to Armenia has highlighted debate over the secular versus the religious nature of the state.
The Catholic Church has something to say about your paycheck
Jun 23, 2016
The Church starts really from the perspective of the human person, and wants to see why the relationship between the employer and the employee is more than just an exchange of money for a certain part of time.
Priests stand up for victims during Colombia peace talks
Jun 23, 2016
Catholic priests have ensured the voices of the victims of Colombia's civil war have been heard at peace talks in Cuba
Papal trip to Armenia a moment for Orthodox friendship, political rapprochement
Jun 23, 2016
As Pope Francis prepares to embark on a three-day trip to Armenia this week, experts and church leaders are hoping the visit both highlights strong ties between Catholic and Orthodox Christian communities there and brings about opportunities for political rapprochement in its continent-straddling region.
Sunday Reflection
Trap of the human heart
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Dr Lawrence Ng Yew Kim